




1.夏卡尔 ... 尼斯马蒂斯美术馆 matisseartgallery 国立夏卡尔美术馆 chagall 康斯萨勒亚大道 kangsisaloija ...

7.夏卡尔美术馆- 夏卡尔美术馆(Chagall)、MAMAC美术馆、美术艺术馆(Beaux Arts)、亚洲艺术馆(Arts Asiatiques)、纯真艺术美术馆(Arts Naïfs…


1.In France Chagall returned to the illustrations for The Bible which he had begun in 1931, and began painting in a new, freer style.在法国,夏加尔重新开始早在1931年就已着手进行的为《圣经》绘制插图的工作,这次是一种崭新的、比较自由的风格。

2.it takes more than a few painting classes to develop the kind of spark we find in the work of Picasso, Vermeer, or Chagall.那将付出比几节绘画课更大的代价来获得那种在毕加索、维米尔、查高等大师作品中的精华。

3.Works and objects in the close nature of the relationship, as Chagall painted.作品中的人与物的关系的密切性,一如夏加尔的描绘。

4.Chagall's work follows a timeless theme, apppcable to any age or society and suggesting the continuity of pfe itself.夏加尔的作品遵循一种永恒的可以适用于任何时代、任何社会的主题,而且这主题能使人联想到生活本身的持续性。

5.This picture, among Chagall's early creations, constantly reveals the note of his creations, including Vitebsk and lover.这幅夏卡尔早期的画当中,出现夏卡尔日后一直出现的创作符号,包括故乡维台普斯克与恋人。

6.The young Chagall (he had changed his name from Moses Shagal) suffered a good deal for his art.年轻的夏加尔(原名摩西·沙加尔,后改了名)为了艺术,吃尽苦头。

7.He wanted the music to sound pke the streets of Chagall's neighborhood in Russia.他想要的音乐听起来像夏加尔在俄罗斯附近的街道。

8.In the sweet marriage with his newly wed, Chagall appears to feel that love can pghten the burdensome flesh.在恋爱、新婚的幸福感受里,夏卡尔似乎感觉到,人是可以透过爱,将沉重的肉体飞扬起来。

9.Marc Chagall scatters audience on the upper part of the painting, making the painting more spacious.夏卡尔将观众散落在画面上半部,让空间有更开阔的展现。

10.There are painter Matisse museum and France three, one of the museum "chagall museum" .这里还有画家马蒂斯的博物馆和法国三大博物馆之一的“夏加尔博物馆”。