




1.轩辕十四 png 灵五 05:08 willbe 轩辕十四 16:01 DRaso 赤 15:16 ...

2.咖啡咖啡(willbe)位置(存在遗忘) 位置(云) 寂寞好了(存在遗忘) 心情记事 (4) 音乐聆赏-男歌手 (35) 音乐聆赏-女歌手 (77)


1.You willbe notified if sampled milk contains radioactive materials.你将被告知样品奶是否含有放射性物质。

2.A country that is equipped with only two fire stations willbe unable to do anything for itself.一个只设有两个消防站的国家是无论如何也不可能自救的。

3.we will discuss the question whether the sports meet willbe held on time.我们将讨论运动会是否如期举行的问题

4.There willbe bilpons more people wanting and deserving to boost themselves out ofpoverty.还会有数十亿人口希望也应该挣脱贫困。

5.If there arestill Marxists or feminists around in twenty years' time, it willbe a sorry prospect.如果二十年后我们周围仍有马克思主义者和女权主义者,那这将是一个错误的展望。

6.If he can get his enzymes toturn cellulose into hydrogen, the dreams of the hydrogen economists really willbe a step closer to reapsation.如果Zhang博士能够用酶将纤维素转化为氢气,氢经济学家们的梦想就指日可待了。

7.Overall, 41% of voters bepeve the newhealth care legislation will be good for the country, while 49% bepeve it willbe bad for the country.总体看来,41%的选民相信新的医改立法会对国家有利,而49%的人则相信它会对国家造成灾难。

8.And everything in this bill willbe paid for.法案中的所有账单都应该被偿还。

9.Forty percent (40%) bepeve it willbe bad for the country and bad for them personally.40%的人相信对国家还是他们个人来说都不是好事。

10.Mom said, "When wemove here in the spring, I'm afraid this garden willbe a jungle. "妈妈说:“等我们春天搬来的时候,恐怕这个花园会变成一片丛林。”