


美式发音: [ˈbʌtlər] 英式发音: [ˈbʌtlə(r)]






1.男管家the main male servant in a large house


n.1.the most important male servant in a rich persons house, whose job is to organize the other servants, to welcome guests, to pour wine at meals, etc.

1.巴特勒 dwarf n. 矮子, 侏儒v.(使)变矮小 butler n. 仆役长, 男管家 dishtowel n. <美>干毛巾布, 擦碟干布 ...

3.勃特勒 Burns 彭斯; 伯恩斯; Butler 勃特勒; 巴特勒 Byron 拜伦 ...

4.巴特勒大学 ... Asst. Director of Rooms 助理房务总监 Butler 专职管家 Assistant Front Office Manager 前厅部副经理(负责前台) ...

7.贴身管家 ·大堂副理 Assistant Manager ·贴身管家 Butler ·前厅经理 Front Office Manager ...


1.Butler strolled into his stuffy room and sat down in the big leather chair, disproportioned to everything else in the chamber.巴特勒跨进他空气沉浊的房间,坐在和这房间里别的一切都不相称的皮椅上。

2.The rub was not nearly so much in his own home, as it was in the Butler family.他自己家里的困难,远不如巴特勒家里的多。

3.The butler stared at him as if he couldn't bepeve his eyes. He stammered. 'I-I-I-'管家瞅了瞅他,几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛。他结结巴巴。‘我--我--我。

4.She did not indeed rival Butler in learning; but then no woman was more devoutly venerated than her to the extent of her husband's erudition在学识方面她远不如巴特勒,但在当时没有任何女子像她那样对丈夫的博学多才崇拜得五体投地。

5.Rhett Butler stood in the doorway, his black slouch hat low over his eyes, the wild wind whipping his cape about him in snapping folds.瑞德-巴特勒站在门廓上,黑呢帽低低地压着眼睛,狂风把他的披肩吹得左右翻腾,发出啪啦的响声。

6.Butler wanted him to see clearly that fidepty was the point in this case fidepty, tact, subtlety, and concealment.巴特勒希望他看清楚,这种事情的关键是忠心--忠心、老练、巧妙,不露声色。

7.All right, I'm ready, ' he said finally and went into the parlor, where Butler had taken Hadji Murad and the escorting officer.好吧,我准备好,他说,终于走进屋,巴特勒曾在阿采取的Murad和护送人员。

8.One learns from Butler that she flew wearing men's underpants (they were apparently superior to a woman's for the purposes of a quick pee).从巴特勒那可以得知,她飞行的时候都是穿男式内裤(在快速小便方面,显然优于女式的)。

9.Nana, in a state of great elevation, had a warm disagreement with her butler.娜娜带着高兴的神色,和她的管家发生了一次温和的龃龉。

10.But now in the moonpght and under the influence of the wine he had drunk Butler was glad to meet her and tried again to make up to her.但是现在月光的影响下,他已喝醉酒巴特勒会面感到高兴她并再次试图弥补她。