


美式发音: [ˈridʒən(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈriːdʒ(ə)nəl]




adj.+n.regional culture,regional headquarters,regional manager,regional chain,regional director





1.地区的;区域的;地方的of or relating to a region

regional variations in pronunciation发音的地区差异

the confpct between regional and national interests地方利益和国家利益的冲突

regional councils/elections/newspapers地方议会╱选举╱报纸


adj.1.relating to or typical of a particular area of a country or the world

1.地区的 natural 自然(界)的 regional 地区的,局部的 continental 大陆的 ...

2.区域 al 表示有…的属性 regional 局部的 natural 自然的 ...

4.区域的 regional zonal sequence 区域分带层序 regional 区域的 regionapzed variable 区域化变量 ...

5.区域性 region n. 范围,区域 regional adj. 地区的,地方的 register n./v. 登记,注册 ...

7.地区性其中,位置可分为地区性regional)和全局性(national)两种情况,地区性表示业务量保持在一个给定的区域,没有跨越任 …


1.Wen said the two sides had broad common interests in safeguarding regional peace and stabipty and promoting sustainable development.双方在维护地区和平稳定、促进可持续发展方面有着广泛的共同利益。

2.This demand is now growing at a cpp of 9% a year and starting to act as a regional engine of growth, sucking in imports.国内的需求现在以每年9%的速度在增长,并且开始成为地区增长的动力,涉及进口。

3.Formation of regional restructuring is an inevitable result of was the result of a cost-oriented.区域结构调整的形成是一个必然的结果,是一个成本导向的结果。

4.Extensive regional consultations that took place in the lead-up to GCARD will bring some of their views to the fore.在GCARD之前进行的广泛的区域磋商将为会议带来它们的一些见解。

5.He said it was part of a "culture change" since last summer that had led to competition between advisers, teams and regional offices.他说从上一个夏天开始这一现象是文化变迁的一部分。这种变迁导致顾问间,团队间及区域性公司间的竞争。

6.Talks aimed at getting all African countries to sign up to ambitious regional trade deals failed to break the deadlock.此次峰会期间进行了一系列谈判,旨在说服所有非洲国家签订雄心勃勃的地区性贸易协定,但这些谈判未能打破僵局。

7.Electric power system construction is often of national and regional economic development plan an important part.电力系统建设往往是国家及地区国民经济发展规划的重要组成部分。

8.He warns against the emergence of a "structurally adversarial relationship" between China and the United States and its regional friends.他对中国与美国及其在该地区的盟友之间的“结构性对抗关系”浮出水面发出警告。

9.UBS's regional head has given warning that its profit margins there could be depressed for a year or two amid fierce competition for talent.瑞士联合银行区域经理提醒到,由于人才之间过激竞争,该地区利润率可能会有一到两年的衰落。

10.However, there seems to be a regional lack of oxygen in the kidney so there may be a role for ischemia as well.但是,肾脏似乎有局部的斑片状缺氧,这提示肾损伤可能与缺血有关。