




1.新低 ... Avignon Group 亚维农集团(法国) new low 新低 new high 新高 ...

2.新低点转时,它都会创新高峰 ( New High ) 或新低潮 ( New Low )。


1.It had become a hot topic that my colleagues here appped for a new low-interest loans to replace the original house loans.这里的同事朋友中,申请新的低利率贷款来取代原来的房子贷款,又成为热门话题。

2.Respect for banks has reached a new low in the U. S. and United Kingdom, according to a survey released in London on Friday by GlobeScan.根据《环球扫描》周五在伦敦发布的一项调查结果显示,美国和英国银行信用跌入历史新低。

3.Large blue chips did not play a role in underpinning the market, but have received a new low, brought more heavy blow to the market.大盘蓝筹股没有起到支撑市场的作用,反而相继收出新低,给市场带来了较为沉重的打击。

4.But this was not enough to offset the multi-year decpne in household consumption, which slumped to a new low of only 35 per cent of GDP.但这不足以弥补居民消费的连年下降,居民消费占GDP的比例已降至35%的新低。

5.My Foundation negotiated a new low price of less than $60 a year to treat a child with ARVs -- about 16 cents a day.我的基金会已经确定了一个新的低价格,用ARV治疗的儿童,每年不超过60美元,每天大约16美分。

6.Cotton prices and create this callback a new low today, appears after a while back, but that it was normal.今日棉价再创本轮回调新低,虽然之后出现回抽,但这实属正常。

7.Even if the IPO is to have been "drying up" , but the collapse of confidence in the market or index makes a new low record.即使是IPO已经“断流”,但是市场信心的崩溃还是使得指数屡创新低。

8.And its message is echoed in the Shanghai Composite index, which hit a new low for the year overnight and is down 22% for its high in April.上证综合指数的走势和铜价走势相互吻合:上证综指周三创出年内新低,和今年4月的高点相比跌幅达22%。

9.Thursday's column seems to have hit a new low.周四的专栏似乎再创新的低俗纪录。

10.A bottom reversal day would be a new low followed by a close above the previous day's close.底部反转日则为出现了一个高于前一日收盘价的收盘价。