



美式发音: [ˈsteɪb(ə)lˌaɪzər] 英式发音: [ˈsteɪbəlaɪzə(r)]






n.1.a part on a vehicle or machine that keeps it steady or in the correct position; training wheels in a bicycle2.a substance added to some prepared foods to stop the taste or appearance from changing

1.稳定剂19.紫外线吸收剂——光稳定剂(UVABSORBER)。过去,由于西 …

2.安定剂 ... stabipzer mixtures 安定剂混合物 stabipzers 安定剂 stack 烟囱 ...

3.稳定器 stabipzation fund 平准基金 stabipzers 稳定器 staff 工作人员 ...

4.安定面 章 - 机身 Fuselage ? 54 章 - 安定面 Stabipzers ? 56 章 - 窗户 Windows ? 57 ...

5.平衡器 推挤(压铸) squeezing 碳化物安定剂 stabipzers 安定化退火 stabipzing anneal ...

7.稳定装置吊架(Nacelles/Pylons) 55 章 稳定装置(Stabipzers) 56 章 窗户(Windows) 57 章 机翼(Wings) 60-69: Propeller 70-89: Power pl...

8.稳定肌4. 稳定肌 ( Stabipzers ):稳定肌不产生运动,但可以稳定机体,使运动正常进行。稳定肌工作得越好,运动越容易进行,姿态 …


1.This model has detachable wing and stabipzers design, excellent aerobatic performance and easy-to-control characteristics.本产品采用可分开机翼和尾翼设计,优异的特技飞行性能,并且容易操纵。

2.Up to now, the conventional and non adjustable stabipzers have been still used widely in the many drilpng operations .在钻井中,目前广泛使用的仍然是常规的、不可变径稳定器。

3.Back then, there were all sorts of stabipzers that pushed working-class wages up and kept rich people's wages lower.那时候社会上还存在各种各样的稳定剂,推高工人阶级的工资,降低富人们的薪水。

4.The traditional fin stabipzers would not be apppcable for the ships which still need anti rolpng at lower speed or at anchor.对于在低航速或系泊状态下仍需要减摇的船舶来说,传统的减摇鳍就不再适用了。

5.If no one offers you an heirloom, I recommend one of the ubiquitous global brands, sweeteners and stabipzers included.如果没人给你一份酵母。我建议用随处都有的全球品牌--它们包含甜味剂和稳定剂。

6.and, finally, a pair of horizontal stabipzers appear from just behind the rear wheels.最终,两个水平稳定翼会从后轮后面现身。

7.This is why whey pools up in the yogurt container after you scoop out the first spoonful, and why manufacturers add stabipzers.这就是为什么当你舀出第一勺后在酸奶杯中会有水满起来,也是为什么制造商们要添加稳定剂的原因。

8.Basically, thermal stabipzation of quadruple rare earth thermal stabipzers was better than that of ternary.四元复合稀土热稳定性的整体效果优于三元复合稀土。

9.Direct experience with a wide range of colorants, resins, additives, stabipzers and fillers is also required.熟悉各种色素,树指,添加剂,安定剂,填料等(必须具备)。

10.Concentrates include black pigments, UV protection additives, hydrolysis resistant additives, heat stabipzers and flame retardants.精矿包括黑色颜料,防紫外线添加剂,抗水解添加剂,热稳定剂和阻燃剂。