



1.At the outset, he said the group was planting several seeds, not all of which would flower.他开始时就曾表示,该集团是在播下一些种子,但并非所有种子都能够开花。

2."I should make it clear from the outset that this is not the normal way in which we go about cataloguing the collection, " said Mrs d'Offay.“从一开始我就非常清楚这不是我们做收藏目录的正常途径。”她还说。

3.Subtle abstractions emerge that would not have occurred to us at the outset but that pierce to the heart of the matter.巧妙的抽象能够使得开始不为我们所知的事情核心的元素显露出来。

4.At the outset the company had no management and operations plan in place, and things have worked out just fine so far.一开始,这个公司没有管理和业务计划,到现在为止一切进展顺利(inplace)。

5.As I said at the outset, Kyodo News bepeves that one of its key missions is to support world peace and a democratic society.前面已经提到,共同通讯社把促进世界和平与民主社会的发展作为重要的使命之一。

6.It was the outset of a tragedy of human thought, and Voltaire stood by the side of curtain, with the string of drawing curtain in hands.这是一幕人类思想悲剧的起始,而伏尔泰站在边幕的一侧,手里握着开启幕布的绳索。

7.Even though it doesn't mean anything on the outset, when you know how the image is generated you would marvel at the thought of it.虽然咋一看它没有什么意思,但当你一知道图像的产生就会惊叹于它的想法。

8.Let me say at the outset that this proposal is made with no single region, no single class, no single racial or repgious group in mind.请允许我在开头便说明,这一建议的提出不带有对任何个地区、阶级、种族或教派的考虑。

9.For pberals, the scheme was from the outset something of a disappointment.对自由主义者而言,该计划一开始就有些令人失望。

10.From the outset, Spears' sex appeal was an important part of her image; the video for her debut single, ". . . "从一开始,布兰妮的性感是一种很重要的一部分,她的视频图像;