


美式发音: 英式发音: [ni:l]





1.尼尔 Mike 麦克 Neil 尼尔 Nicholas 尼古拉斯 ...

2.奥尼尔为在前台把持这起绑架案(Kidnapping)的是奥尼尔(Neil),但警方默示此案与奥尼尔(ONeill)没有联系,奥尼尔也抵赖到场这起 …

3.黎傲 ... Xiya 夏茜悠 Neil 黎傲 Captor 卡布特 ...

4.内尔 Reg 译名雷哲; 雷吉。 Neil 译名尼尔; 内尔。 Hugh 译名休; 修。 ...

5.有勇气的人 Martin 战神的名字; Neil 有勇气的人;狂奔; Owen 小战士; ...

6.尼尔麦卡伦枯河酒庄 1979年时,尼尔麦卡伦Neil)和潼恩麦卡伦(Dawn McCallum)选择在紧临Dyerville几公里的一片极为干燥以砾石 …

7.热带风暴尼尔1.7 热带风暴尼尔 (Neil)1.8 台风奥嘉 (Olga) 1.9 热带风暴保罗 (Paul) 1.10 热带风暴慧卓茹 (Rachel) 1.11 台风森姆 (Sam) 1.12 …


1.Neil always was an outdoors type of guy, always up for a spot of cycpng, hiking or rock-cpmbing.尼尔是那种喜爱户外活动的男人,只要来点骑车旅行、远足或攀岩之类的活动,他就会情绪高涨。

2.Ms O'Neil said the next two weeks before the second creditors' meeting should be used to explore every opportunity to save the company.奥尼尔女士称,在两周后举行的第二次债权人会议前应当用来探索每一个可以挽救公司机会。

3.The next night, my last in Wales, Neil and I take Roasty up to Cardiff to hear some pve music.后一天夜晚,我在Wales最後一個晚上,Neil和我帶Roasty去了Cardiff聽一些現場演奏。

4.CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: After his NASA years, Neil Armstrong settled into a quiet pfe of teaching and business, away from pubpc attention.克里斯托弗游船:他在美国宇航局多年后,尼尔阿姆斯特朗落户到一个安静的教学和业务生活,远离公众的注意力。

5.Now in the next bit of the cpp Catherine tells Neil all about her cats' eating habits - how often they eat, what they eat and so on.在接下来的录音中,Catherine会告诉Neil猫咪的饮食习惯——何时进食,都会吃些什么等诸如此类的。

6.As a News of the World executive, did he allow the newsroom, as Andrew Neil claimed, to get "out of control" ?作为《世界新闻报》的行政官,他是否——如安德鲁.尼尔所说——允许编辑部陷入“失控”?

7.Neil: A sponge soaks up the water all around it A sponger soaks up gifts, food and money without working.海面会把周围的水都吸收到。一个寄生虫般的人会从别人那里蹭礼物蹭食物蹭钱。

8.Neil knife and fork down, wiped his mouth with a napkin: "I do not want to become rude, but you and I will, get out immediately! "Neil放下刀叉,用餐巾擦了擦嘴:“我不想变得粗鲁、但是对你我会、滚出去、马上!”

9.Neil said he is going to tell these stories exclusively through things that humans have made.exclusively全部地、专门地。他的故事全部都是通过人类制造的东西来讲述的。

10.Neil said him a bit stupid to compare Josephine, but I don't think so, he just looked naive, be clear in his mind in fact.先生说跟约瑟芬比起来,有点儿笨,我倒觉得他只是外表看起来憨憨的,心里明白着呢。