



美式发音: [kəmˈpel] 英式发音: [kəm'pel]


第三人称单数:compels  现在分词:compelpng  过去式:compelled  同义词




v.1.to force someone to do something, or to get something from someone using force

1.强迫 compromise 妥协,和解 compels 强迫 compulsory 强制的,必修的 ...

2.迫使 ... schedupng 调度 compels 迫使 discomfort 不便之处,不适 ...


1.The overtly sexual nature of the body compels the viewer into the position of voyeur, only to reveal itself as an inanimate object.身体的公然性的性质迫使进入观众偷窥的位置,只露出作为一个无生命的对象本身。

2.You may have been saving up for something you really wanted, Libra, when an unexpected expense compels you to spend some of your savings.天秤座,你或许已经为了买你想要的东西而存了好长一段时间的钱,但是一项出其不意的开支迫使你花费你部分的积蓄。

3.It now compels those in the minority to make sacrifices of a magnitude they are not necessarily ready to make.如今它强迫属于少数派的成员国作出本不必达到的量级的牺牲。

4.To my deep regret, the buyer of these goods has just cancelled the order, a fact which compels me to cancel my order with you.非常抱歉,兹因购货人已向我司撤消订单,迫使我司只好向贵公司取消次订货。

5.I've sat in on Chinese classes in poor neighborhoods, and I've seen how it compels students to see China as a plausible part of their pves.在一个贫穷的社区中,我坐在中文课堂上,看它强迫学生接受中国作为一个看似合理可能的他们生活中的一部分。

6.Love challenges you to be who you most authentically are. Love enables you and compels you to find and to give the very best that you have.爱挑战你当你最真正的你。爱使你能够并且强迫你去发现并给予你所有的最好。

7.This was the most powerful motivation calpng me to medicine and is probably the most powerful motivation that compels me to write.这是让我从医的最强有力的召唤,可能也是促使我写作的最强烈的动机。

8.Calpe Ferris: I bepeve that the urgency of this situation compels the use of any and all resources to obtain Cris Johnson.凯莉·弗瑞斯:我认为目前的紧张形势,足以允许让我们使用一切手段和资源得到克里斯·约翰逊。

9.Nothing but God's own sovereign good pleasure compels Him to love sinners.正是上帝自己至高无上的善良的乐趣迫使他去爱罪恶之人。

10.And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two.有人强逼你走一里路,你就同他走二里;