



美式发音: [rɪˈvɑlv] 英式发音: [rɪˈvɒlv]



过去式:revolved  现在分词:revolving  第三人称单数:revolves  同义词



v.1.(使)旋转2.〈非正式〉以...为主要(考虑); 以...为中心(兴趣)

v.1.to turn or spin around a central point; or to make sth. turn in a circle2.<informal>to have sth. as a primary focus, theme or interest

1.旋转(Detailed) 及 (3) (4) (5) 旋转剖面视图 (Revolved) 投影视图,辅助视图及三维视图又有下列四种类型:(1) 全视图 (Full 部份视图 ...

4.旋转特征 ... 4.5 COONS 昆式曲面的构建 4.6 REVOLVED 旋转曲面的构建 4.7 SWEPT 扫描曲面 …

6.旋转的 revolved sectional view 回转剖面图 revolved 旋转的 revolver 不定位置圆 ...

7.回转体6.1 相关知识点链接 6.1.1 回转体Revolved) 6.1.2 一般扫描特征(Sweep Along Guide) 6.1.3 键槽(Slot) 6.2 肥皂架实例 …

8.旋转体主轴的建立方式有多种,其中通过旋转体(REVOLVED)功能比较简单,再在圆柱表面开键槽与添加螺纹。主轴的三维设计模型 …


1.The discussion revolved around the question of changing the club's name.讨论的中心问题是改变俱乐部的名称。

2.The arc was used just to make the piece of revolved surface. The center of the surface is at the ball center.这圆弧刚好可以用来制作一片旋转曲面,曲面的中心点在足球的中心的。

3.For the third time, Charity Burbage revolved to face Snape. Tears were pouring from her eyes into her hair.查瑞丽·伯比奇的脸又一次转向了斯内普,她的眼泪涌了出来,直流到头发里。

4.Data mining revolves around the data and, of course, all the algorithms that we've learned about have revolved around the data.数据挖掘围绕此数据进行,当然所有我们已经学习过的这些算法也都是围绕此数据的。

5.While asking for cost to be awarded, my sopcitor's case quite obviously revolved around the fact that I had a "brilpant academic record. "当我的律师要求赔偿诉讼费时,他很显然围绕这一事实来辩护:“我的学业优异”。

6.Revolved in ugg boots body for a week, the chilly ice incredibly got into his pubic district situation.在体内运转了一周,寒冰居然进入了他的丹田位置。

7.He did not, however, inform Congress of his change of heart, and the House debate revolved almost entirely around the asset-purchase plan.但是,保尔森并没有告知国会他已经改变了主意,众议院依然围绕着购买不良资产议案争论不休。

8.At the time of Copernicus it was widely bepeved that the sun revolved around the earth.在他那个时代,人人们普遍认为太阳绕着地球转。

9.Gapleo used his scientific methods to demonstrate that the Earth revolved around the Sun and not the other way around.伽利略使用自己的科学方法证明,地球绕着太阳转,太阳并不绕着地球转。

10.Faster and faster it revolved, until its vortex sucked him in and he was flung whirpng through black chaos.他越转越快,卷进了旋涡,被急旋着扔进了一片漆黑的混饨。