


美式发音: [hɑk] 英式发音: [hɒk]




复数:hocks  现在分词:hocking  过去式:hocked  同义词

n.hock joint



1.[c](动物后腿的)跗关节the middle joint of an animal's back leg

2.[u][c]莱茵白葡萄酒a German white wine

3.[u][c]典当;抵押if sth that you own is inhock , you have exchanged it for money but hope to buy it back later


I'm in hock to the bank for £6 000.我欠银行 6 000 英镑。

be in hock (to sb)欠(某人某物)to owe sb sth

I'm in hock to the bank for £6 000.我欠银行 6 000 英镑。


1.(informal)~ sth典当;抵押to leave a valuable object with sb in exchange for money that you borrow



n.1.the part in the middle of an animals back leg; the part above a pigs back foot that is sometimes eaten as meat2.a type of white wine from Germany

v.1.to sell something to a pawnbrokersomeone who lends money in exchange for objects.

1.蹄膀 猪油 Lard 蹄膀 Hock 中间带骨的腿肉 Casserole Pork ...

2.典当 planet 行星 hock 典当 hockey 曲棍球 ...

3.肘子 BlackPudding (黑香肠)、 Hock (肘子)、 StewingBeef (小块瘦肉)、 ...

4.飞节 femur 股骨 hock 飞节 stifle joint 膝关节 ...

5.跗关节 ampicilpn 氨苄青霉素 hock 跗关节 mycoplasma 支原体 ...

6.抵押 thank 谢谢 hock 抵押,典当 HongKong 香港 ...

7.霍克瓶 hoarfrost 白霜 hock holandric gene 全雄基因 ...


1.A string of failed business ventures frequently left him in hock to his creditors.生意上接连的失利迫使他频频向债主典当。

2.The thighs should be very muscular and powerful for the size of the dog with the stifles well bent and the legs straight from hock to heel.对这样体型的狗而言,大腿的肌肉应该非常发达而且有力,后膝关节适当弯曲,从飞节到脚踝部分非常直。

3.On the head, front of the forelegs, and below the hock joints on the front of the hind legs, the hair is short and fine.在头部、前肢前面、飞节下面和后肢前面,毛发短而细腻。

4.Tail bushy, with the last vertebra extended at least to the hock joint.毛发浓密,尾椎至少延伸到飞节。

5.Says inventor Professor Seah Hock Soon, anyone with a computer and the software will be able to create animation.瑟。霍克。逊教授说,只要有一台电脑和这个软件,任何人都能制作动画。

6.The tail should be clearly visible above the back when the cat is alert and is not to exceed the hock in length.在猫儿处于警惕状态时,它的尾巴应该是清楚明显的在背上,长度不能超出飞节。

7.Not since the second world war have so many governments borrowed so much so quickly or, collectively, been so heavily in hock.二战以来,第一次有如此多的国家政府欠下如此巨额的债务,也是第一次这么多国家集体迅速陷入赤字状态。

8.The tail is set moderately high and reaches approximately to the point of hock when down.尾巴的位置稍高,如果向下垂,能延伸到飞节。

9.But economists worried that as America's consumption boom took it deeper into hock, foreigners would become less wilpng to lend to it.然而,经济人士担心随着美国消费激增导致透支过度,外国可能就没那么愿意向美国出借了。

10.heR jewellery is all in hock.她当掉了所有的首饰。