


美式发音: [ˌvi ˈpi] 英式发音: [ˌviː ˈpiː]

abbr.(=vice president)副总裁

网络释义:副总裁(Vice President);芦丁;虚通道(virtual path)




abbr.1.(=vice president)副总裁2.【语】(=verb phrase)动词短语

abbr.1.(=vice president)2.[Linguistics](=verb phrase)

1.副总裁(Vice President)或副总裁 (VP)会总体负责一个特定的领域,从企业战略高度出发把握系统的发展和开发方向,并对公司的产品结构和市场起着 …

2.芦丁成分:芦丁VP)、硒元素(Se)、18种氨基酸、9种脂肪酸(VF)、膳食纤维、叶绿素、粗蛋白、碳水化合物、矿物质及微 …

3.虚通道(virtual path)建立虚通道VP),容许在一个PDH链接上同时传输多个独立的MPEG-2 TS。4. VP复用实体: 如果需要同时传输多个MPEG-…

4.加压素(vasopressin)  ( 5 ) 加压素(VP):VP是由下丘脑视上核和室旁核神经元分泌的一种神经肽,因其具有抗利尿作用,故又称为抗利尿激素。此外V…

5.动词短语(verbal phrase)在动词短语VP)中,中心词总是一个动词。如果有任何前中心语符列的话,它要么是一个“否定”词,如not [1]或never[2],要 …


1.There was no significant differences in the percentage of AP and VP before and after treatment between the two groups.两组研究前后的组间及组内比较AP和VP百分比亦无明显差异。

2.Back in Sipcon Valley, Reid Hoffman, a former executive VP, sits in his own office at the social networking site he started, LinkedIn.镜头回到硅谷:雷德霍夫曼---这位前执行副总裁坐在他创立的社交网络pnkedIn的办公室里。

3.I don't know for a certain, but I do bepeve she was the person who asked the VP to help motivate the team.虽然我并不清楚,但是我相信她一定是那个请副主席来帮忙激发团队的人。

4.I forgot the official title of this VP, but basically he was responsible for some of the biggest contracts the company ever sold.我忘了这名副主席头衔是什么了,但是最起码他负责这家公司曾做成的几笔最大的买卖。

5.The VP of the group, Simon, had ventured into the Team's work area to see their Sprint Burndown Chart, and called Francis to his office.集团的VP,Simon,不顾一切的来到团队工作区查看他们的Sprint燃尽图,接着把Francis叫到他的办公室。

6.Also, towards mid game and especially end game, it becomes relatively easy to see how much a building is going to give you in terms of VP.而且,在游戏中期,特别是游戏后期,相对容易看出一个建筑将给你多少胜利分。

7.A senior VP of a premier institution in the U. S. once said, the days for hiring a sales manager in China with $18, 000 a year are far gone.一位大机构的高级副总裁曾说,在中国以1万8千美元的年薪招募一位销售经理已经再也不可能了。

8.Let me reiterate what I just said. The phone number you give goes to you. Not your secretary. Not your marketing VP. You.让我重复我所说的。你提供的电话号码必须使你的直线,不是你的秘书或市场部副总。

9.The VP was on the phone when Gary looked him up in 3deep, so he told the software to let him know the moment the VP was off the phone.当Gery在3deep查询他时,副总裁正在听电话,因此他用这个软件让他知道副总裁什么时候打完电话。

10.If Dr. Clay was a VP of a major corporation, this is the kind of project that would take the company to new levels.如果克雷博士是一家大型企业的副总裁,他领导的这类项目将把公司带到一个新的高度。