




1.非洲草原 内华达山脉 Sierra Nevada 非洲草原 African Savannah 无人荒岛 Deserted Island ...

2.非洲大草原 photography 照片 African savannah 非洲大草原 industry 工业 ...

3.英亩的非洲园独特的展馆里,其中包括获奖作品 -- 面积达30 英亩的非洲园 (African Savannah) 。

4.非洲肯尼亚草原 内华达山脉 Sierra Nevada 非洲肯尼亚草原 African Savannah 无人荒岛 Deserted Island ...


1.But no committee of pons sat down and decided that the African savannah would be home.但是并没有一个狮子委员会坐下来决定是否将非洲热带草原作为家乡。

2.When Homo sapiens evolved on the African Savannah, the ones with a penchant for trying new horizons prospered.当智人在非洲热带草原进化时,嗜爱并勇于探索新天地的一族获得了空前的繁衍和繁荣。

3.It's a throwback to the first weapons our remote ancestors used on the African savannah : Hit the sucker with a rock .这是一次大倒退,就像我们在南非大草原的远祖用的第一件武器:用石头扔那些王八蛋吧。

4.Unfortunately, the accident aircraft made a forced landing to the African savannah, this story began.不幸,飞机出事故迫降到非洲大草原,故事从这开始了。

5.We have come a long way since our ancestors first stood up on the African savannah more than a hundred thousand years ago.自从我们的祖先10万多年前第一次踏上非洲的热带稀树草原,我们已经走了很长一段历程。

6.and even they had never left the umbrella of the kings of the African savannah.甚至永远离开了它们曾经统御称王的非洲大草原。

7.This makes perfect sense in the intense heat of the African savannah, where humans evolved.对于非洲大草原上的酷热,这一点显得非常有意义,那里可是人类的发源地。

8.When Homo sapiens evolved onthe African Savannah, the ones with a penchant for trying new horizonsprospered.在非洲大草原进化时,那些敢于探索新大陆的人得以兴盛起来。

9.In the African Savannah, the pon accidentally see its father and mother, happily it cried.在非洲大草原,狮子意外见到了它的爸爸妈妈,高兴地它都哭了。

10.three species of Homo were stalking the east-African savannah东非大草原上可能曾出现过三个人种