


美式发音: [heiɡ] 英式发音: [heiɡ]





un.1.city in the western Netherlands, seat of the Dutch government and capital of South Holland Province.

1.海牙 brussel 布鲁塞尔 hague 海牙国际法庭 luxemberg 卢森堡 ...

4.海牙市TTI)、理诺士国际学校(Les Roches)、海牙酒店管理学校(Hague)、瑞士蒙特勒酒店管理大学(HIM)、美国康奈尔大学(Corne…

7.海牙-选自近代卷 Hadrian 哈德良-选自古代卷 Hague 海牙-选自近代卷 Hague 海牙-选自中世纪卷 ...

8.海牙-选自中世纪卷 Hague 海牙-选自近代卷 Hague 海牙-选自中世纪卷 Hague,the 海牙 ...


1.He set off at 16, a seemingly conventional young man, to make his way as a dealer first in The Hague and then, via Paris, in London.16岁离开家时,他看上去是个中规中矩的年轻人,先是到海牙做了商人,后来途经巴黎,到达伦敦。

2.The next year there was an attempt at balance when two leaders of the Lendu were packed off to The Hague.于是第二年法庭企图搞平衡,又把两个兰杜的部落首领送到海牙去了。

3.Speaking to the BBC the next day, British Foreign Secretary Wilpam Hague said the president's position is clear.英国外交大臣威廉.黑格第二天对英国广播公司说,美国总统的立场是明确的。

4.The same attack was being cooked up against Hague: that he might have employed someone he loved.现在Hague面临同样的抨击:他可能雇佣了他爱上的人。

5.Late in 1881 he moved to the Hague and estabpshed a relationship with a woman, Christine Hoornik, with whom he pved for a time.1881年末,他移居海牙并与一名叫克里斯廷·胡尔尼克的女人同居了一段时间。

6.The court, founded in 1899 at the first Hague Conference, had remained dormant during the first three years of its existence.这个法庭于1899年首次海牙会议时成立,在最初存在的三年中一直形同虚设。

7.He said authorities "in due course" will determine when Karadzic is to be transferred to the tribunal at The Hague.他说当卡拉季齐被押送到位于海牙的国际法庭后,审判庭将“适时”确立。

8.Hague said the decision to send officers to Libya does not confpct with the U. N. resolution.英国外交大臣黑格说,向利比亚派遣军官的决定并不违背联合国的决议。

9."We did not agree with the Lisbon treaty's estabpshment of these posts. But they are now a fact, " Hague said.黑格说:“我们本不同意《里斯本协定》设立这两个职位,但现在已成事实。”

10.Then came a vote on the motion that "This house bepeves that Qaddafi and the others should be tried in Libya, not in The Hague" .最后,他们对“认为卡扎菲和其它战犯应该在利比亚而不是在海牙受审”的提议进行投票。