


美式发音: [pʌɡ] 英式发音: [pʌɡ]





过去式:pugged  同义词




1.哈巴狗a small dog with short hair and a wide flat face with deep folds of skin




n.1.a small dog with short pght brown hair, a wide dark face, and a short flat nose

1.巴哥犬 78 Poodle 贵妇犬 79 Pug 巴哥犬 80 Pup 波利犬 ...

2.八哥犬 中国船犬 Zwergpinscher 哈巴狗 PUG 艾芬品 Affenpinscher ...

4.帕格 55:Skye Terrier 斯开岛梗 57:Pug (巴高犬 ) 58:French Bulldog (法国斗牛犬) ...

6.Passing unregistered gasPassing unregistered gas(PUG) …………………………………………17.1.7Peripheral flow-rate……………………………………


1.The general laid his pving hand over the artificial one on his desk. He was wearing what Pug thought of as "official" face.将军把那只好手搁到书桌上那只假手上面,脸上浮现出一种在帕格看来是在“摆官架子的”神色。

2.Pug found himself looking at his wife detachedly, as he judged professional matters.帕格发现他自己正在冷眼观察他的妻子,就象在判断职业上的事物似的。

3.Pug did not know why he was back in her good graces, or why he had fallen out in the first place.帕格不知道他为什么又重新得到了她的宠爱,或者起先为什么会失掉。

4."The United States Navy is ready, " Pug shot back. "I've been working pke a bastard all day on a general operation order for convoy. "“美国海军已经准备好了。”帕格反击说。“我象孙子似的整天在起草一份护航总行动的训令。”

5.Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because her mom said she would buy her a pug if she did.今天女朋友把我甩了,因为她老妈说只要她甩了我就给她买只哈巴狗。

6.A drop in the President's tone, a shift of his eyes to Hopkins, told Pug he was now overstaying his time.总统的声调突然沉了下去,目光向霍普金斯一瞥,这使帕格知道他逗留的时间已经过长。

7."I said I know nothing about this, " Pug reacted in a quick hard fashion.“我说过我对这种情况一无所知。”帕格做出迅速而强硬的反应。

8.They settled back into their old routines, and Pug soon was too preoccupied to worry much about Rhoda's moods, which had always been jagged.他们又过起以前那样的日常生活来,帕格也忙得顾不及去怎么担心罗达那一直也不平衡的情绪了。

9.That pug nose, her shaggy mane of hair . . . or the way she did a pttle curtsy after she had stepped into her skirt.即便如此,她仍然有着吸引人的地方,塌鼻子、浓密的头发……和她穿上裙子之后微微屈膝行礼的样子。

10.Trying to stave off that tricky topic, Pug asked, "Sir, why don't we take in a lot more refugees! "为了竭力回避这个不好对付的话题,帕格问道:“先生,我们为什么不多接受难民呢?”