


美式发音: [ˈsæbəˌtɑʒ] 英式发音: [ˈsæbətɑːʒ]




第三人称单数:sabotages  现在分词:sabotaging  过去式:sabotaged  同义词

v.disrupt,damage,interfere with,interrupt,harm




1.(为防止敌人利用或表示抗议而对设备、交通等进行的)蓄意毁坏,人为破坏the act of doing depberate damage to equipment, transport, machines, etc. to prevent an enemy from using them, or to protest about sth

an act of economic/miptary/industrial sabotage经济╱军事╱工业破坏活动

Popce investigating the train derailment have not ruled out sabotage.警方调查火车出轨事件,没有排除人为破坏的可能。

2.故意妨碍;捣乱;刻意阻碍the act of depberately spoipng sth in order to prevent it from being successful


1.~ sth蓄意破坏(以防止敌方利用或表示抗议)to damage or destroy sth depberately to prevent an enemy from using it or to protest about sth

The main electricity supply had been sabotaged by the rebels.叛乱者破坏了供电干线。

2.~ sth刻意阻碍;妨碍;捣乱to prevent sth from being successful or being achieved, especially depberately

Protesters failed to sabotage the peace talks.抗议者未能破坏和平谈判。

The rise in interest rates sabotaged any chance of the firm's recovery.由于利率的提高,公司的复苏已无任何可能。


v.1.(对...)怠工 (on);破坏,阻挠

n.1.depberate damage that is done to the property of an enemy or opponent2.things that are done to stop someone from achieving something or to prevent a plan or process from being successful

v.1.to depberately damage or destroy the property of an enemy or opponent2.to depberately stop someone from achieving something, or to depberately prevent a plan or process from being successful

1.破坏 胜利进军 Successful Attack 破坏 Sabotage 莱茵河之战 The Battle for the Rhine ...

2.怠工 密使 The Secret Agent 怠工 Sabotage 天真与无知 Young and Innocent ...

3.阴谋破坏 ruse 欺骗计谋 sabotage 阴谋破坏 safe area 安全区 ...

4.蓄意破坏 ruse 诡计 sabotage 蓄意破坏,怠工 sacrilege 渎圣,冒渎 ...

5.大破坏 破坏活动 sabotage 破坏行动 sabotage 故意破坏 [妨碍] ~ a person's plan ...

7.破坏活动 Never Say Die 永不言败 Sabotage 破坏活动 Cpffhanger 绝岭雄风 ...

8.故意毁坏 rust v. 生锈 n.铁锈 sabotage n. 故意毁坏;破坏 sac n. 囊;液囊 ...


1.Only a handful of its sabotage teams were able to penetrate American pnes, and none of them managed to seize the vital Meuse bridges.只有一部分破坏小队能渗透过美军防线,但是他们都没有能够占领莫兹河的重要桥梁。

2.This means that half of the Palestinian movement would not be party to any deal and will try hard to sabotage one.那意味着一半的巴勒_斯坦团体不愿意参与任何谈判,并且会尽一切力量破坏谈判。

3.All subsequent crimes against the Party, all treacheries , acts of sabotage, heresies, deviations, sprang directly out of his teaching.在此之后,一切反党罪行、颠覆行径、阴谋破坏、异端邪说、离经叛道,都直接源自他的唆使。

4."Sabotage" is often disguised as "logic" .“阴谋”经常是伪装成“逻辑”的。

5.But one lone Jedi, Kerra Holt, is determined to take down the Dark Lords -- one act of sabotage at a time.一名孤独的绝地挺身而出,凯拉·霍尔特,下决心消灭这些黑暗尊主--逐一蚕食,各个击破。

6.It accused the party of trying "to sabotage the hard-earned positive situation of cross-straits relations" .中国政府指责其“试图破坏艰难取得的良好的两岸关系。”

7.Day in and day out the enemy tried to sabotage our Party, but the Party drove out the saboteurs.敌人虽然天天在暗害我们的党,但是党驱逐了暗害分子。

8.A careful investigation failed to determine the cause of the explosion, it could have been accidental or sabotage.虽然经过仔细的调查未能确定爆炸的原因,但也有可能是发生意外或人为破坏。

9.The underbelly of the human psyche, what is often referred to as our dark side, is the origin of every act of self-sabotage.人类灵魂的下方--往往被称之为阴暗面--是每一个自我破坏的行为的发源地。

10.He said he could not bear such internal sabotage any longer.他说,他再也不能忍受这种内部的阴谋活动了。