


网络释义:世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum);世界电子论坛;世界经济论坛会议


1.世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)世界经济论坛(wef)和瑞士洛桑国际管理开发学院(imd)这两个竞争力的权威评价机构阐发了自己的观念。认为国际竞争力是指一 …

2.世界电子论坛第18届世界电子论坛WEF)从5月14日至16日在河内举行,吸引了来自美国、印度、日本、韩国、中国、伊朗等世界电子工 …

3.世界经济论坛会议  在瑞士达沃斯的世界经济论坛会议WEF)上,索罗斯还对欧美央行发出挑战,称“央行们已失控”。他还说:“金融市场的确需 …

4.世界水环境联盟(Water Environment Federation)其中世界水环境联盟WEF)将其精华的高端技术和培训课程首次引入CWS2009。此外,专题研讨会还涉及高科技促进水业健 …


1.The WEF has continued to add new events to its calendar and seems so far to have had no trouble filpng them.世界经济论坛不断向其日程表增添新的活动,迄今看上去并未遇到任何问题。

2.Yet the WEF is far from turning into a routine, if not-for-profit, conference organiser.然而,世界经济论坛全然没有沦为一个寻常的(如果是非赢利的)会议组织者。

3.The fear that a global "currency war" could get out of hand in 2011 will certainly be a theme of the World Economic Forum.人们对2011年全球“汇率战争”将变得不可收拾的担忧,必将成为世界经济论坛(WEF)的一个主题。

4.But the biggest, second only to the WEF itself, is the Annual Meeting of the New Champions, informally known as "Summer Davos. "不过其中最大的,仅次于达沃斯论坛本身的活动,则是新领军者年度会议(AnnualMeetingoftheNewChampions),通常也称为“夏季达沃斯”。

5.Mr Gopinath was encouraged to stick to his guns as an entrepreneur when the WEF elected him its youngest ever Young Leader.当世界经济论坛推举戈皮纳斯作为最年轻的青年领袖时,他倍受鼓舞,更坚定了要在实业界搏杀的想法。

6.So WEF staffers decided that this year's summer meeting should have an upbeat theme.因此,WEF的筹备人员决定,今年的夏季年会应该拥有一个乐观向上的主题。

7.The annual meeting of Summer Davos forum was the global meeting held by WEF outside Davos.夏季达沃斯论坛年会是世界经济论坛在达沃斯以外举行的全球性会议。

8.President Dmitry Medvedev delayed a trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos where he was to depver the opening speech today.原本要在今日发表开幕式演讲的俄罗斯总统德米特里•梅德韦杰夫(DmitryMedvedev)推迟出席达沃斯世界经济论坛(WEF)。

9.The WEF says Switzerland benefits from good infrastructure and financial markets, and transparent government.世界经济论坛说,瑞士得益于良好的基础设施和金融市场,以及透明的政府体制。

10.This private, parallel summit sometimes threatens to overwhelm the official business of the WEF itself.这种私下的平行峰会,有时甚至有压倒世界经济论坛正式议程的趋势。