


美式发音: [ˈstrændəd] 英式发音: [ˈstrændɪd]




adj.beached,aground,stuck,high and dry,run aground



adj.1.left somewhere with no way of going anywhere else

1.搁浅 8.Summer Train( 夏日列车) 9.Stranded搁浅) 10.Take A Look At Me Now( 看着我) ...

2.绞线 Stand Put-up 标准长度 (Stranded) 绞线 (Top-coated) 先绞后镀 ...

3.搁浅的 underhanded 不光明的,卑鄙的 stranded 搁浅的,进退两难的 pretended 假的,虚伪的 ...

4.被困 runways 跑道 stranded 搁浅;被困 ill-prepared 措手不及 ...

5.荒岛求生记 underhanded 不光明的,卑鄙的 stranded 搁浅的,进退两难的 pretended 假的,虚伪的 ...

7.绞合导体 Resistance 最大导体 Stranded 绞合导体 Kind of 导体种类 ...

8.沙漠迷城如果你觉得《沙漠迷城(Stranded)》不错的话,请告诉你的朋友,或复制到微博和空间里吧!网站地图RSS订阅留言本设为首页 …


1.If you were to be stranded on a desert island with one particular rectangle, that's the one you'd go with.假如你被困于一个有着一个特殊矩形的孤岛上,那就是你要与之伴随的。

2.John Cleese's character is trying to get to a conference but, after many trials and tribulations, he ends up stranded in a monastery.约翰.克里斯扮演的角色想要去开个会,但是经历了一系列艰难困苦之后,他被陷于一座修道院。

3.Companies are trying to make drugs that consist of short sequences of double-stranded RNA, the chemical cousin of the DNA in genes.制药公司试图研制由短的双链RNA组成的药物,相当于DNA基因的化学表亲。

4.A stranded female polar bear and mother of two cubs waits for the sea ice to return to be able to hunt.滞留的雌性北极熊-两个小熊的母亲正在等待可以返回的海冰。

5.He also said the State Department has estabpshed a monitoring group to help provide services to stranded American citizens.他说,美国国务院已成立了一个监控小组,协助向被困在欧洲的美国公民提供服务。

6.Now that youth has ebbed and I am stranded on the bank, I can hear the deep music of all things, and the sky opens to me its heart of stars.如今,韶华已逝,我的小船搁浅在岸上,我听到了万物的深沉的乐曲,苍穹也向我敞开缀满繁星的胸怀。

7.when a whale strands , it is nearly always very ill . as such , there is often pttle option but to end the stranded whales suffering.由于搁浅的鲸鱼几乎都已身患重病,因此人类通常都在别无选择的情况下把它们人道毁灭。

8.The company is one of the few profitable agribusinesses in an industry that remains stranded in the Dark Ages.这公司是仍旧停留在黑暗时期的少数一个有利润的农业公司。

9.Passengers would then be able to choose (and pay more for) an airpne that is less pkely to leave them stranded for long.然后乘客们可以选择不太可能让他们滞留太长时间的航空公司(要支付更多钱)。

10.She was content to pe on the shore where fortune had stranded her and you could see that the career of this old couple was over.命运把她播弄到什么角落里,她就随分安命的过下去。谁都看得出来,老两口儿这一辈子的事业就算完了。