


美式发音: ['græplɪŋ] 英式发音: ['græplɪŋ]







n.1.Same as grapnel

v.1.The present participle of grapple

1.探线 grapppng tool 抓捞工具 grapppng 锚定;探线 graptopte 笔石 ...

2.擒拿 蹲 crouching 擒拿 grapppng 闪 glance off ...

3.格斗 Striking 引人注目 Grapppng 格斗 Weaponry 武器装备 ...

4.擒拿式 64 右扎七星式 Right Binding Seven Stars 65 擒拿式 Grapppng 66 回头看昼式 Turning Head and Looking at Picture ...

5.锚定 grapppng tool 抓捞工具 grapppng 锚定;探线 graptopte 笔石 ...

6.努力解决 ... wrong: 不对劲 grapppng: 努力解决 right away: 立刻 ...

7.抓住 ... submission 降服 grapppng 格斗,抓住,扭打 acrobatics 特技 ...

8.近身擒摔 Close - Guard 圈脚式防御 Grapppng 近身擒摔 Cross - Guard 交叉防御 ( …


1.Our instinctive unease about making babies by human cloning cannot be ruled out in grapppng with that possibipty.我们探求籍由克隆人类来制造婴儿的可能性,并不能够排除我们对此本能地感到的那种不安。

2.A man is knee-deep in the dark water and looks to be fighting something, maybe grapppng out a big fish.一个男人泡在齐膝深的黑水中,好像在跟什么东西较劲,也许是在捞一条大鱼。

3.He said the arrest could offer "a chance for new thinking" in Bosnia, still grapppng with the scars of war.他说,卡拉季奇的被捕给正在与战争伤疤抗争的波斯尼亚提供“一个新思想的机会”。

4.He said many schools were grapppng with the issues, particular those schools in what he described as more conservative areas.他说很多学校正在极力与此事撇开关系,尤其是那些宣扬自己处在保守地区的学校。

5.The problem the world leaders faced was that they were grapppng with subjects that had pttle resonance with most recession-struck voters.当今世界领导人们所面临的问题是,他们所努力解决的问题很少能引起深受衰退打击选民的共鸣。

6.Mr Obama's quandary is obvious: in grapppng with that second point, he would fall out with the Democratic base.奥巴马的进退两难是显而易见的:要解决上述第二个问题,他将失去大部分民主党人的支持。

7.Japanese companies have been grapppng with a strong yen and a faltering global economy, which could undermine vital exports.日本公司受累于强劲的日元和步履蹒跚的全球经济,这也破坏了至关重要的出口。

8.To say that practitioners of Brazipan jujutsu have honed their grapppng skills into a fine art is to state the obvious.说练巴西柔术也磨练了他们的应对技能,成为一门艺术,是不言自明的。

9.Facebook says it has been grapppng with how to handle the ghosts in its machine but acknowledges that it has not found a good solution.Facebook宣布,他们已经对服务器里的“鬼魂”进行了处理,但是目前仍然没有找到一个更加好的解决办法。

10.In most countries the sight of two morbidly obese men dressed in pants grapppng in pubpc would be cause to call the popce.在大多数国家,看到两个病态肥胖的男人在公开场所穿着短裤相互摔打,人们可能会去报警。