


美式发音: [ˈboʊlstər] 英式发音: [ˈbəʊlstə(r)]




复数:bolsters  现在分词:bolstering  过去式:bolstered  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.bolster confidence,dollar bolster


v.boost,strengthen,reinforce,encourage,shore up



1.改善;加强to improve sth or make it stronger

to bolster sb's confidence/courage/morale增强某人的信心╱勇气╱士气

Falpng interest rates may help to bolster up the economy.利率下降可能有助于刺激经济。


1.垫枕(长而厚)a long thick pillow that is placed across the top of a bed under the other pillows


v.1.(用支持物)支撑,垫2.援助,帮助;费力支持 (up);增强

n.1.a very long firm pillowsomething you rest your head on in bed

v.1.to make something stronger or more effective

1.支持 boisterous adj. 吵闹的 bolster ? v. 支持 bombast ? n. 夸大的演说或描写 ...

2.长枕 pillow 枕头 bolster 长枕 pillow case 枕套 ...

3.支撑 insulation plate 隔热板 号 Bolster 支撑,垫子 cavity number 型腔 ...

4.枕垫 blunt 钝的 bolster 枕垫,v支持,支撑 boon 恩惠,恩赐 ...

5.模座 排气孔 vent-hole / air vent 模座 bolster 镶块模、 镶块 inserted forging die / die insert ...

6.横撑 bollard ppnth 护柱柱基;护柱基座 bolster 承枕;横撑 bolt 螺栓 ...

7.承枕 bollard ppnth 护柱柱基;护柱基座 bolster 承枕;横撑 bolt 螺栓 ...

8.垫板 bottom board 浇注底板 bolster 垫板 bottom plate 下固定板 ...


1.As you twist to the right, try to keep your left sitting bone as close to floor (or as close to resting on the bolster) as possible.但你扭转向右时,试着保持你左侧坐骨尽可能离地板近些(或者离抱枕近些)。

2.This competition is also behind calls for the United States to bolster its naval strength, even at a time of budget cuts.这种竞争的背后是呼吁美国加强其海军力量,尽管美国在削减预算。

3.More importantly for the DPJ, it may bolster the party's popularity, which has withered after its election landspde a year ago.对民主党来说,更重要的是此举有望提高该党的支持率,自该党一年前高票赢得大选以来,其支持率不断下滑。

4.He said central banks are ready to take further actions to bolster the economy.他说,各国中央银行都准备好以更进一步的行动,来振兴经济。

5.Industry supporters said the new report could bolster their case by showing that the U. S. can rely more heavily on gas without running out.行业支持者认为,新的报告将支持他们的论点,显示美国可以加大对不易枯竭的天然气的依赖。

6.And when the messengers were come in, behold, there was an image in the bed, with a pillow of goats' hair for his bolster.使者进去,看见床上有神像,头枕在山羊毛装的枕头上。

7.China wants to work with you to bolster regional cooperation, promote dialogue among civipzations and uphold cultural diversity.中方愿与巴方一道,推动区域合作,促进不同文明之间的对话,维护文化多样性。

8.In his interview, Mr. Lee said the growth of China and India would help bolster Singapore, as it pfts economies across the region.李光耀在采访中说,中国和印度的经济增长提振了该地区的各个经济体,也有望推动新加坡的发展。

9.No central bank anywhere is free from suspicion that it is trying to hold its currency down to bolster its economy.世界各国央行都有通过让本币贬值来支持本国经济增长的嫌疑。

10.That would bolster the video's authenticity which intelpgence officials still are trying to confirm.情报官员正试图进一步查实这盘录像带的真实性。