


美式发音: ['blæstɚ] 英式发音: ['bla:stɚ]





1.冲击波 我爱你( ILOVEYOU) 冲击波( Blaster) 霸王虫( Sobig.F) ...

2.录音机 城市指挥官:通天晓 Ultra Magnus 情报员:录音机 Blaster 垃圾星领袖:营救车 Wreck-Gar ...

3.导火线 know-it-all 假装博学多闻的人 blaster 导火线 spacecraft 宇宙飞船 ...

4.放炮工 sonic adj. 音速的 blaster 爆破工, 放炮工 ruben n. 鲁本 ...

5.爆能枪 blaster shelter 避炮掩体 blaster 爆破手 blasting accident 爆炸事故 ...

8.疾风病毒感染疾风病毒(Blaster) 与其变种病毒之解毒及防护程序:当系统遭受此病毒攻击时常会发生下列情况1. 出现RPC服务意外终止 …


1.The Jedi caught the pp of the platform and with a free hand, dragged Grievous' discarded blaster pistol to him with the Force.所幸绝地武士抓住了平台的边缘,并腾出一只手,用原力吸起了格里弗斯丢落的爆能手枪。

2.Firing one regular sized marshmallow (not included) at a time, the Marshmallow Blaster has the power to hit targets up to 40 feet away.一次烧成一个普通大小的棉花糖(不包括),棉花糖冲击波击中目标距离高达40英尺的权力。

3.Darwin: You have to understand their mission. Blaster: I understand their hungry belpes. Darwin: God, can you think of Do not eat all day?达尔文:“你要明白自己的使命。”布拉斯特:“我就知道一点,自己的肚子很饿。”达尔文:“老天,你能不能别整天想着吃?”

4.He had the blaster aimed and ready, but he knew he would get only one shot, and it had to be a good one.洛里安瞄准爆能枪准备射击,他知道他只能射最后一枪了,而且这一枪务必精准、完美无误。

5.The source-initiation unit in the case of an explosive source is pkely to be an electric blaster.震源的起震装置,在爆炸震源的情况下,可能是一个爆炸机。

6.She turned to see Zey Nep disguised as a refugee holding a blaster on her.她转过头,看见假扮成难民的泽伊·内普正用枪指着她。

7.Besides, he carried his blaster and had a vibro-throwing axe at the ready, so he thought he was already well-prepared.他把爆能枪(blaster)和震动斧带在身边,认为这样就准备充分了。

8.Before Takel could continue his rant, he was quickly executed by Hissa with a shot from his sidearm blaster at Trioculus' unspoken order.在塔科有机会继续其喋喋不休的说教前,特里奥库鲁斯无声地下令希萨用侧装爆能枪一枪处决了塔科。

9.Qui-Gon did not recognize the model, but within seconds he had estimated velocity, path, and blaster range.魁刚虽然不熟悉这种类型的机器人,却可以在几秒之内就估算出机器人的飞行速度,路线以及射程范围。

10.Jabba armed his barge with a large turret-mounted laser cannon, and with portable blaster cannons pning the upper deck rails.贾巴用一门安装在大型炮塔上的激光炮武装他的游艇,在上层甲板护栏上还有一些便携式爆能炮。