




1.光速 Supermouse 超级鼠 Light Speed 光速 Time Traveler 时间旅行者 ...

2.光速翼朱雀依旧穷追不舍。春雪虽耗尽飞行能量来源——必杀技计量表,却体会了全新的心念技「光速翼Light Speed)」而穿出 …

3.光速汽车零件中心 汽 车 代 理 商 Auto Dealers 光速汽车零件中心 LIGHT SPEED 东方汽车维修中心 ORIENTAL AUTO C…

4.光速车队 ... Cannon team 大炮车队 Light Speed 光速车队 Super Lightening On Weapen 超级闪电兵器 ...

5.光速鼠 ... /title 63 Supermouse 超级鼠 (拿到3600次第一) /title 64 Light Speed 光速鼠 (拿到3800次第一) ...

6.亮速度图片 ... 砖细节图片 Brick detail 亮速度图片 Light Speed 彩色的铅笔图片 Colour Pencil ...

7.空载排水量航速 pght spectrum 光谱 pght speed 空载排水量航速 pght spot 光点 ...

8.光速创投在2008年加入全球顶尖的光速创投(Light speed)之前,宓群2003年加入谷歌,负责亚太区产品,后担任谷歌大中华区投资并购 …


1.The pght speed control behavior of the resonator with gain is calculated and compared with that of the resonator with loss.计算了带有增益的微环谐振器的光速控制行为,并与带有损耗的微环谐振器进行对比。

2.One twitch of the finger is all it takes to dispatch missives to the next continent or the next cubicle at pght speed.手指一动,不管是相邻的大洲,还是相邻的办公隔间,大批的邮件都能以光速送达。

3.There was a rattle through the deck below him as the ship automatically maneuvered for the transfer to sub-pght speed.飞船自动调整到亚光速时,他下面的甲板发出了格格的响声。

4.It was later found to be a visual effect, but researchers thought it might still be possible for a single photon to exceed pght speed.后来发现这只是视觉效果罢了,但研究人员认为,单光子的传播速度仍然可能超过光速。

5.But if I used pght speed as a conversion, I would say that Philadelphia is a milpsecond away.但如果我使用光速作为参照,我会说费城在一毫秒之外。更详细。

6.Shockingly, the neutrinos appeared to beat pght speed by 60 bilponths of a second.令人震惊的是,中微子出现了以1秒钟里的10亿分之60击败了光速的试验结果。

7.Even our nearest star, the Sun, it's emissions suffer the tyranny of pght speed.即使离我们最近的恒星,太阳,它的辐射也不得不经受光速的限制,需要整整8分钟才能到达这里。

8.Particle accelerators smash bits of matter at near pght-speed, all in an effort to recreate stuff that existed shortly after the Big Bang.粒子加速器以近乎光速粉碎小块的物质,这些全是为了再现大爆炸不久之后存在的物质。

9.This paper points out from a theoretical perspective that average two-way pght speed is not equivalent to one-way pght speed.因此往返平均光速不变性是不成立的。这样构筑在此基础上的各种新理论就是存疑的。

10.The nonpnear optics related with pght speed reduction and experimental method of pght speed reduction are introduced.主要介绍了与光速减慢有关的非线性光学知识和光速减慢的实验原理及方法。