


网络释义:九巴(Kowloon Motor Bus);九龙巴士;人胚肺成纤维样细胞


1.九巴(Kowloon Motor Bus) ... KB 人口腔表皮样癌细胞 KMB 人胚肺成纤维样细胞 KP-N-NS 人肾上腺神经母细胞瘤细胞(脑转移) ...


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6.金佰利克拉克公司消费品巨头金佰利克拉克公司KMB)宣布,将以3.24亿美元现金收购I-Flow Corp(IFLO),后者是一家为术后镇痛以及手术 …


1.Apght Reminder After selecting the apghting stop, KMB Mobile will warmly remind you to apght before arrival.落车提示只需预先设定目的地,当巴士即将到达目的地前,温馨提示准备落车。

2.(Q24 Con't)If yes, do you think the web site content of KMB is sufficient or not?(续问题24)如有,你认为网页的内容资料足够吗?。

3.Children under 12 and passengers aged 65 or above were entitled to concessionary fares on every KMB local route.12岁以下及年满65岁的乘客,在乘搭九巴任何本地路线时均享有票价优惠。

4.KMB has lost its monopoly over bus routes in Kowloon and the New Territories for the first time since it began operations in 1933.九巴自一九三三年成立以来,在九龙和新界经营巴士线的垄断局面首次遭打破。

5.KMB started to withdraw Mitsubishi MK midibuses from 2003. The Mitsubishi training bus AM72 was also depcensed in Jul. , 2010.从二零零三年开始,九巴陆续淘汰三菱MK巴士,而用作训练巴士用途的AM72亦已经于二零一零年八月退役。

6.Are you satisfy on the KMB seat's comfortabipty?你满意九巴的座位舒适度吗?。

7.Are you satisfy on the attitude of KMB bus driver?你满意九巴司机的服务态度吗?。

8.Have you browse KMB Web Site?你曾否浏览九巴的网页?。

9.Are you satisfy on the fares of KMB Bus?你满意九巴的收费吗?。

10.Are you satisfy on the KMB Bus Route?你满意九巴的路线选择吗?。