




1.早间新闻 商标文字: 百家讲坛 LECTURE ROOM 商标文字: 朝闻天下 MORNING NEWS 商标文字: 高清影 …

4.新闻晨报 解放日报 Jiefang Daily 新闻晨报 Morning News 经济观察报 The Economic Observer ...

5.早间新闻研讨 ... 7:30-8:30 Per-Room 内务管理 8:30-9:00 Morning News 早间新闻研讨 9:00-12:00 Fighting 实兵对抗 ...

6.晨间新闻报 长春日报 CHANG CHUN DAILY 黑龙江晨报 MORNING NEWS 国际金融报 INTERN…


1.Xiaoxiang Morning News: now co-production is increasing, as a participant, you think of it what are the pros and cons?潇湘晨报:如今合拍片越来越多,作为参与者,你认为它的利与弊是什么?

2.I am going to get up a pttle earper than usual, to do some exercise or to watch the morning news.我打算比平常早期一点,好做做运动,或者看看早间新闻。

3.Morning News recently introduced in the company of his wide "Healthy Customs moved wide-theme Jiezhuang milpon Award" ex- gratia .晨报讯阔达公司于近日推出“健康风情心动阔达主题家装万元大奖”特惠活动。

4."You've got a crazy mom looking for someone to blame for her problem, " he told the Morning News.“一个疯狂地想让别人为自己的问题负责的母亲。”他这样对MorningNews说。

5.Sabre Holdings' CEO Sam Gilpland chose the Dallas Morning News to give a rare and what turned out to be extremely open interview.SabreHoldings的首席执行官SamGilpland选择《达拉斯晨报》,进行了一次罕有的、非常开放的采访。

6.The president told reporters at the early morning news conference Friday, he was surprised by the award.总统欧巴马在星期五早上的记者会上告诉记者,他对于获奖感到十分惊讶。

7.Jim Moroney, pubpsher of the Dallas Morning News, says American newspapers used to abide by an "80-20" rule.《达拉斯晨报》发行人吉姆·莫罗尼说,美国报纸过去常常遵守“80-20法则”。

8.The crowd at Tim Russert's funeral would have made a great panel on his Sunday morning news show.蒂姆·拉瑟特葬礼上的人们很可能组成一个庞大的座谈团,出现在他周日的早间新闻档。

9.Morning News on Wednesday the United States nearly 140 milponaires asking Congress for the state to consider, they should be taxed more.早报讯美国近140名百万富翁周三请求国会,为国家考虑,应向他们多征税。

10.Tomorrow will be the opening of the fall exhibitions organised by the Beijing Morning News show, a grand-scale , comprehensive services.明日开幕的秋季房展会由北京晨报倾力协办,规模盛大,服务周全。