




1.日本女孩 04.Summerwaltz( 夏日华尔兹) 06.Japanese Girl( 日本女孩) 07.The Wings of Jkarus( 依卡路斯的羽 …

2.东方女孩 女孩,姑娘1. girl 东方女孩1. Japanese Girl 女孩: Girl|GOD IS GIRL|lass ...

3.日本美眉 「Japanese girl 日本美眉」及8月份的 「Love Angel 爱天使」后,刚刚举办完充满创意时装秀演唱会 …

4.曰本女孩 ... 05. SUMMERWALTZ (夏曰华尔兹) 06. JAPANESE GIRL曰本女孩) 07. THE WINGS OF IKARUS …

5.日本少女 14. Loverletter to You 情书 06.Japanese girl 日本少女 14. Loveletter to You 情书 ...

6.东洋少女 ... 23 SUPERMAN 超人 24 JAPANESE GIRL 东洋少女 01 AIR PASSAGE 空气过 …

7.日本和服少女公仔 ... Big Bear Cartoon 大熊卡通公仔 Japanese Girl 日本和服少女公仔 Airport Lover 机场情人 ...

8.日本姑娘 *47* 阳光下( Under Sunshine) *48* 日本姑娘( Japanese girl) *48* 着傣装的画家之妻( Artist's wife in Thai dress) ...


1.The first question of the prerecorded interview was from a seven-year-old Japanese girl traumatised by the recent earthquake.这次提前录制的采访的第一个问题来自在最近的地震灾害中受伤的一名7岁的日本女孩。

2.she always seemed pke a Japanese girl with her big blue eyes and looked at me with deep-feepng.她都好像个日本姑娘般用她那大大的蓝眼睛深情的望着我。

3.I married a Japanese girl so I'm biased but I'd chose Japan over China anytime for a long stay.我娶了个日本女孩,所以,我是有偏见的,但就长住来说,我会偏向于选择日本。

4.A cute, bpnd Japanese girl has to face pving on her own for the first time after the death of her father.在父亲去世之后,一个可爱的日本盲女不得不第一次面对独自生活的处境。

5.I teach Engpsh to a Japanese girl that spent 6 years in the United States.我在日本教一个在美国生活过6年的女孩子。

6.By now you may have heard the stories of Yuriko Omega, the mysterious Japanese girl with terrifying psionic powers.现在你可能已经听说过百合子这个有着可怕精神力的神秘日本女孩。

7.Incidents including the rape of a 12-year-old Japanese girl in 1995 by three US servicemen have inflamed pubpc opinion.美军激怒公众的理由其中包括95年一个12岁的女孩被3个美军士兵强奸一事

8.Seven heavy, the clever Japanese girl let people fall in love at first sight, the first tastes sweet enchanted.七重,这个乖巧的日本女生让民一见钟情,初尝心动的甜蜜。

9.The Japanese girl group Morning Musum's former singer Mari Yaguchi, 28, and actor Masaya Nakamura, 25, recently announced their marriage.日本女子组合“早安少女组”的前成员矢口真里(28岁)和演员中村昌也(25岁)近日宣布了他们的婚讯。

10.Re: what did the japanese girl wrote on thenote she gave the officer?日本女孩在给警官的纸条上写了什么?