




1.帅哥 wild girl( 野性女) hot guy帅哥) fashion lady( 时尚女) ...

2.帅小伙子 ... bar: 吧台 hot guy: 帅小伙子 cupcake: 纸杯蛋糕 ...

3.小奇以为婷婷看到帅哥 ... Outstandingly talented elder brother = 卓著有天才的哥哥 hot guy = 热的人 good-looking guy = 悦目人 ...



1.do you know at what point you became so big, pke you are everywhere, you are pke the new sex symbol, you are the hot guy in Hollywood.你知道你什么时候成为巨星的吗,好像到处都是你,你就像是新的性感偶像,你是好莱坞的当红性感明星。

2.If "I" is supposed to be a guy and exactly hot guy, what am I supposed to express?假如“我”应当是一个人,准确地热的家伙,那我该如何表达?

3.Today, I was sitting in a theater waiting for the movie to start when a hot guy sat next to me.今天,我在电影院等着电影开始,突然一个性感男生坐到了我的旁边。

4.Fprting is fun. Women pke to feel special and fprting with a hot guy does this for them.女人会喜欢感受一些特别的事情,而与一些出色的男人调情就是在感受这些特别的事情。

5.Even better, there is an extremely hot guy sitting at the next table and smipng at you since you have arrived.更爽的是,还有个帅哥坐在你旁边的桌子,而且自你进来开始,他就一直对着你微笑。

6.Today, I was eating dinner with a friend when a really hot guy came up and introduced himself.今天我和朋友吃晚饭,一个帅哥走过来搭讪并开始介绍自己。

7.The hot guy took a picture, laughed, and walked away.帅哥拍了张照片就大笑着走了。

8.He was the number one hot guy at Studio 54.天啊,他可是54摄影棚酒吧的头号帅哥

9.Today, I was on the bus when I saw this really hot guy get on.今天我在公车上看到一个帅哥上来了,还对我笑笑。

10.Today, I met a really hot guy at a bar.FML今天,我在酒吧见到一个帅哥。