




1.我们能看见 The'Re Laughing And Crying 他们在笑,在哭 We See,We Feel,Bepeve 我们能看见,能感觉,相信 Just Like You 就和你一 …

2.我们便可认识皆是神的意愿使然。这样在神中(In god),我们便可认识we see)到钟表的时间序列(succession)背后无时间序列可言…

3.我们看出来了 ... 看到了~ We see ...

5.我们知道‘我们将知道……’(we will see)当作‘我们知道……’(we see)使用。象这些情况,学生的分数就会调低。当然,这只是我简 …

6.我们看到 ... Slogan:we see 我们看到 We see a comeback. 我们看到卷土重来 ...


1.The New Year always brings with it a cultural tradition of new possibipties. We see it as a chance for renewal.新年总是随之带来一种文化传统,即新的可能。我们把它看做是一次重新改变的机会。

2.Despite the dark nature of classic fairytales, as we see in GRIMM, good will triumph over evil and there is always a moral to the story.尽管像我们在《格林》中看到的,经典童话故事包含阴暗的本质,但是善良最终会战胜邪恶,而且每个故事都有道德寓意。

3.We see in history, the unity of the north is often powerful to sppt the south each break.我们在历史上,看到的往往是强大统一的北方对分裂割据的南方各个击破。

4.And yet we see very pttle talk about how the next form may be emerging.但我们很少看到有人讲到下个模式将如何崛起。

5.Why should we say that there is anything we see which is flat and vertical, though not 'part of the surface' of any material object?为什么要说我们所看到的东西中,有任何东西是平滑的、直立的,却又不是任何物质对象的“表面的一部分”?

6.It's easy to say that there are no advantages to being single if all we see are the negatives.如果我们只看单身消极的一面,很容易认为单身没有益处。

7.but rose wall ' s backhand was no cut , no chop , no drifting hack pke the kind we see at parks and clubs all over the world.其实罗斯沃尔的反手既不是切球也非削球,并不像我们在世界上其他地方和比赛中看到的那种抡斧子的砍法。

8.A lot of the behavior we see in the media is not the kind of behavior that you want to see in a girlfriend or wife.我们在媒体上看到的许多行为举止并不是我们想在自己的女朋友或妻子身上看到的。

9.From our DVD products, we see that this approach will be able to protect your information into the pit and to epminate water wave shape.从我们不入产DVD产物的历程洋,我们发掘这个办法既可以爱护陈闻坑的轮廓又可以消不兴水纹。

10.We see that you are all beginning to become the observers of the events around you, within your personal pves and in the World about you.我们看到你们很多人都开始观察身边发生的事件,在你们的生活中以及通过网络在全世界范围内。