


网络释义:志商(Will Quotient);保存并退出;存盘退出


1.志商(Will Quotient) Select mode 鼠标选择 :wq 保存并退出 h j k l 左下上右移动光标 ...

3.存盘退出 Dd 删除当前行 :wq 存盘退出 :help 显示帮助信息 ...

4.保存退出 #service network restart 重新启动网络 :wq # 保存退出。 #du -h 目录或文件 ...

5.意商ng monitoring locations, water quapty (WQ) sample parameters, and WQ models.

7.污水污物潜水电泵XBD—S、XBC—W、XBC—S、XBC—D) 污水污物潜水电泵WQ) 井用潜水电泵(QJ) 恒压给水设备(HBW、SBE、H…


1.As before, end with a period on a pne of its own, and use wq to write the file and quit.与前面一样,各个行使用一个句点结束,并使用wq写入文件并退出。

2.Are we born with a certain WQ (willpower quotient)?我们天生的WQ(意志力商)是一定吗?

3.WQ: Yeah. Their existence will help you see who your real friends are!没有他们的存在,怎么能显出哪些人才是真朋友呢!

4.Will Quotient (WQ): WQ refers to a person's will character's standards, including tenacity, purpose, determination, self-control, and so on.志商(WQ):指一个人的意志品质水平,包括坚韧性、目的性、果断性、自制力等方面。

5.Wq: Average customer's waiting time before they get service in current time.客人等待服务的平均时间。

6.Some attributes are changed during the edit session of vi, and when you have finished and typed : wq, the inode is closed and released.在vi的编辑会话期间,更改了该inode中的某些属性,当您完成操作并键入:wq时,将关闭并释放该inode。

7.First, we at last year's Arts Festival to know him, cool hip-hop that makes us remember his name, WQ.第一位,我们在去年的文艺节上认识了他,那超酷的街舞使我们记住了他的名字,WQ。

8.The WQ Hydroelastic Wave Healer and Its ApppcationWQ型液体弹性波治疗康复仪及其应用

9.WQ Studying Plays an Important Role in Creative Practice意商研究在创造实践中具有重要地位