



1.Pictures of naked girls might help attract an audience but, it's doubtful that this will sell widgets.裸体女孩照片可能会吸引受众,但是否能达到销售产品的效果呢?

2."Dey wuz sick wid disyere thing, " Mammy gestured with her rag to the two naked girls, dripping with water on their damp sheet.“他们也害了这种病,”嬷嬷用破布指了指两个光着身子湿淋淋的姑娘。

3.A crowd of wicked naked girls get accustomed to so-called being learned, as well as the hatred of being sacred.一群邪恶的裸女习惯了所谓的有学问,和对神圣的厌恶。

4.There were two naked girls seated back to back on a dais thing.房子里两个裸体的女孩子,背对着背坐在高台上。

5.A crowd of wicked naked girls get recognizbellyle with so-called being learned! as so hat ther ed of being pair-coned.一群凶险的裸女风俗了所谓的有学问,和对崇高的厌烦。永生快眼看书。

6.Van Gupk, who was also an expert on Ming erotica, did the drawings, often featuring tastefully naked girls, for the books himself;高罗佩也是明代春宫图的行家,为作品自画插图,常常都是裸体的妙龄女郎。

7.Five oil paintings of naked girls playing mahjong五裸女打麻将油画