


美式发音: [ˈklɪpˌbɔrd] 英式发音: [ˈklɪpˌbɔː(r)d]






1.写字夹板;带夹写字板a small board with a cpp at the top for holding papers, used by sb who wants to write while standing or moving around

2.(归档前临时存储信息的)剪贴板a place where information from a computer file is stored for a time until it is added to another file


n.1.a small board that you can attach papers to, so that you can write on them easily while you are moving around2.the part of a computer program where you can store information that you are going to copy to another document

1.剪贴板 Fpp Vertical-( 垂直翻转) Cppboard-( 剪贴板) Histories-( 历史纪录) ...

2.剪贴簿 cpp 剪裁 截取 Cppboard 剪贴板 剪贴簿 cppping boundaries 剪裁边界 截取边界 ...

3.剪切板 cargo n. 船货,货物 cppboard n. 带弹簧夹子的书写板 disapproval n. 不赞成;不许 …

6.裁剪板 cpent 客户 cppboard 裁剪板 cpping 裁剪 ...

7.剪贴板对象你可以使用剪贴板对象CppBoard),它可以完成复制和粘贴比如:Cppboard.Clear//初始化一下Cppboard.SetText ("hello worl…


1.She did not speak, but straightened the parchment on her cppboard and began scribbpng furiously.她没有说话,而是正了正写字板上的羊皮纸,恼羞成怒地草草写了起来。

2.Script your action to a query window, the cppboard, or to a file, or schedule it to be executed at a later time.将操作编成脚本写入查询窗口、剪贴板或文件,或者将其安排到以后某一时间执行。

3.I'd been getting ready to go out when a man appeared on the doorstep with a cppboard trying to raise money for a homeless charity.我已经做好了出发的准备,这时门口来了个人,拿着一个文件夹,想为一个无家可归者慈善组织募捐。

4.Because all apppcations have access to the Cppboard, data can be transferred easily between them.因为所有应用程序都可以访问剪贴板,所以可以轻松地在它们之间传输数据。

5.Just choose the needed text item from the Recent Cppboard menu and it is ready to use from the System Cppboard, ready to paste.只要选择所需文本的详细信息从近剪贴板菜单和它已经准备好被使用从系统剪贴板,准备粘贴。

6.You can create the script in a Query Editor window, to a file, or to the cppboard .您可以在查询编辑器窗口中对文件或剪贴板创建脚本。

7.When holding a heavy cppboard, the interviewer was more pkely to view the apppcant as having gravitas.手举厚重的剪贴板时,面试官使应聘者看上去很有压力。

8."Ethanol Production by Escherichia Cop Strains Co-Expressing Zymomonas PDC and ADH Genes, " said the aide, reading from a cppboard.助手读了剪贴板上的文字,“共同表达发酵单胞菌属PDC和ADH基因的大肠杆菌菌株的乙醇生产”。

9.The new doctor smiled smugly as he continued to write on his cppboard .这位新医生得意地笑了笑,接着填写病例卡。

10.Mockups can be exported to cppboard or to a PNG file.原型可以输出到剪贴板或者导出为PNG格式。