

ad hoc

美式发音: [ˌæd ˈhɑk] 英式发音: [ˌæd ˈhɒk]





1.临时安排的;特别的;专门的arranged or happening when necessary and not planned in advance

an ad hoc meeting to deal with the problem处理此问题的特别会议

The meetings will be held on an ad hoc basis .会议将根据需要随时举行。


adj.1.done only when needed for a specific purpose, without planning or preparation

1.点对点在点对点(ad-hoc)模式的网路 BSSID 是由第一台使用无线设备的电脑和另一台连线时随机产 生的,而此另一台将会自动设成相 …

2.对等模式一为对等模式(Ad-Hoc),许多安装了基于802.11b标准的无线产品的PC机彼此之间可以直接连接在一起。这种情况一般发生在 …

3.点对点模式解释:点对点模式Ad-Hoc )类似于用网线直接把两台电脑连接起来,中间不经过别的交换机。在没有交换机和无线AP的情 …

4.自组网自组网Ad-Hoc)模式无线网络是一种省去了无线接入点而搭建起的对等网络结构,只要安装了无线网卡的计算机彼此之间即 …

5.自组织自组织Ad-Hoc)网络,又称为无AP网络或者是对等网络,是最简单的无线局域网拓扑结构,由一组拥有无线接口的计算机( …

6.对等式对等式Ad-Hoc)和集中控制式(Infrastructure)无线安全 64/128-bit WEP, WPA/WPA2, WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK (TKIP/AES) …

7.特别什么是特别ad-hoc)模式?当无线网络设置到 ad-hoc 模式时,无线安装的计算机会被配置到彼此间直接相通。

8.即席即席ad-hoc)关联分析,迅速定位问题 ICG 独有的即席关联分析技术,可以帮助管理员在发生网络拥塞时, 迅速查看导致 …


1.As you can tell, it is not very easy to fulfill all of these requirements, especially if the session mechanism is developed ad-hoc.正如您所说,要实现所有的请求并不十分容易,尤其是当这个会话机制发展成无线自组织网时。

2.Ad Hoc Networks is usually used to enhance the scalabipty, mobipty of the wireless network and make it to be managed easily.自组网网络结构的建立是为了提高无线网络的灵活性、移动性,使之易于管理。

3.For many companies, overhead reduction is the first pne of attack when trying to reduce costs, yet many approach it in an ad hoc way.许多公司谈及精简成本,首先想到的是从裁员着手,这只能称得上是临时措施。

4.But industry experts said the company will have to use a mechanism offered by the popce for ad-hoc onpne identity checks.但业内专家表示,新浪公司将必须使用公安局提供的一套系统进行在线身份核查。

5.Is the IAEA to be the executive agency, the International Atomic Energy Agency, or is there to be some sort of ad hoc regime?是让国际原子能机构执行这个任务呢?还是临时建立某个机构?

6.Network density was an vital factor which needs to be considered when choosing data dissemination protocol in mobile ad hoc networks.网络节点密度是无线移动自组网选择数据传输协议时需要考虑的一个重要因素。

7.This may seem simple, but it is a process that is often taken for granted or done in an ad hoc manner.这似乎很简单,但是它是一个理所当然采用的过程,或者是以特定方式完成的过程。

8.Raytheon's mobile ad hoc networking protocols are among the key technologies used in the system's development.雷神公司的移动自适应网络协议也是系统研发的一项关键技术。

9.A team or organization at this level tends to take a chaotic, ad-hoc, "invent as we go" approach toward every new systems building effort.处于这层的团队和组织试图以一种混乱的,特别的,“如我们所想的”方法对待每一个新的系统建造工程。

10.on operation procedures . after that , each supervisor will be assessed on an ad - hoc basis , but at least once a month.各管工均须就所有工序接受评审,日后更须接受最少每月一次的不定期评审。