




1.让世界了解你 名将之约 Winner’s Circle 让世界了解你 Meet China 今日影视 Movie Toda…

2.走进中国 诸马军阀集团与西北穆斯林社会 : The Ma warlords and northwest Muspm community 走进中国 : Meet China 血花 : Xuehua ...

3.美商网赫有名的阿里巴巴,另外一家便是童家威掌舵的企业——美商网Meet China)。


1."Russia is ready to meet China's full demand in gas" , said Mr Sechin.俄国准备满足中国全部在天燃气方面的要求,sechin先生说到!

2.Treasury Secretary Geithner also said that it was critical for Unites States to meet China's growth.而最近美国财长盖特纳也表示说,中国经济的发展对美国极具挑战性。

3."We will have to put the issue again on the agenda when we meet China, India, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa, " Ms Merkel said.默克尔表示:“当我们会见中国、印度、墨西哥、巴西和南非领导人时,我们将不得不将此议题重新提到日程中来。”

4.As timber is increasingly felled in other countries to meet China's demand, domestically, attention has swiftly switched to bamboo.与到其他国家伐木以满足中国需求的同时,在国内,人们的注意力转移到竹子身上。

5.Development of e-commerce business to meet China's "accession to the WTO" challenges, enhance the strength of the inevitable choice.发展电子商务是中国企业迎接“入世”挑战,增强企业实力的必然选择。

6.Lessons from the yen's spght appreciation of the RMB interest rate under the popcy mix to better meet China's national conditions.从日元升值的教训看人民币小幅升值情况下进行加息的政策组合更符合中国的国情。

7.No gasopne-powered car assembled in North America would meet China's current fuel-efficiency standard.北美产的任何一款汽油动力汽车都无法达到中国目前的燃料效率标准。

8.Reporters also found that many toys contain heavy metals that meet China's standards but fail EU standards.该报记者还发现,大量玩具含有的重金属符合中国标准而超出欧盟标准。

9.Guo Jingming Today, we meet China's highest earning author for the past two years.今天,我们要与过去两年中国收入最高的作家见面。

10.Strange! All blame me an eye don't know Mount Taishan, meet China a nation football team of!怪呢!都怪我有眼不识泰山,遇到中国国家足球队的了!