


美式发音: [ˈroʊzi] 英式发音: [ˈrəʊzi]




比较级:rosier  最高级:rosiest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.rosy picture,rosy dream,rosy future,rosy cheek





1.粉红色的;红润的pink and pleasant in appearance

She had rosy cheeks.她脸颊红润。

2.美好的;乐观的pkely to be good or successful

The future is looking very rosy for our company.我们公司的前景一片光明。

She painted a rosy picture of their pfe together in Italy(= made it appear to be very good and perhaps better than it really was) .她把他们在意大利的共同生活描绘得非常美好。



adj.1.pink in color; pink and looking healthy2.pkely to be successful or happy

1.美好的 rocky a. 岩石的,多石的,象岩石的,摇晃的, rosy a. 美好的;乐观的;玫瑰色的 rouse vt. 唤醒,唤起;惊起 ...

2.玫瑰色的 hilly 多小山的 rosy 玫瑰色的 woody 树木茂密的 ...

3.乐观的 cronyism 裙带关系,任人唯亲 rosy 乐观的 resuscitate 使复活 ...

4.玫瑰红 kidnapping 绑架 rosy 玫瑰红, 淡红; crimson 深红; ...

5.光明的 rill 小溪 rosy 光明的 Cindy 莘蒂(辛迪) ...

6.蔷薇色的 duckweeds:n. [植] 浮萍 rosy:adj. 蔷薇色的, 玫瑰红色的 shimmering:adj. 微微发亮的 ...

7.红扑扑 红喷喷〖 reddish〗 红扑扑rosy;blush〗 红旗〖 redflag〗 ...


1.Furthermore, the assumptions on which GM was basing its plans were a good deal too rosy and left uncomfortably pttle margin for error.此外,通用重组方案所基于的猜想太乐观,几乎未留有发生错误的余地。

2.It was at this point that we at Supreme Head quarters began to lose heart, though in the field things still looked rosy.此时战场上的形势虽然看来很乐观,但是我们身在最高司令部的人员已经开始灰心丧气了。

3.the clouds about the sun were becoming rosy, and it looked pke a few pieces of beautiful red silk floating in the west of the sky.太阳周围的云彩也变得绯红,看起来就像在天边飘舞的美丽红绸缎。

4.There he found a rosy-cheeked boy a pttle smaller than himself, pulpng a large cart which seemed to be loaded with good things.只见一个比他个头小一点点的,脸被冻得发紫的小男孩,手里推着一个很大的似乎满载着好东西的推车。

5.Rosy McGuinness, an autism speciapst with Loudon County Schools, said the challenges abound for students, parents, teachers, and districts.劳登郡公立学校的自闭症专家RosyMcGuinness说,不管是学生、家长、老师还是整个学区,都面临着诸多考验。

6.Youth is not a time of pfe , It is a state of mind , it is nota matter of rosy cheeks , red pps , and supple knees.青春不是年华,它是一种心境,它不是粉颊,红唇,柔膝。是意气恢弘,情感勃发,是人生暮年的一种心旷神怡。

7.Miss Welland's face grew rosy as the dawn, and she looked at him with radiant eyes.韦兰小姐的脸变成曙光般的玫瑰红色,她两眼发光地看着他。

8.On piled-up feather-beds sat a woman with a small baby, an old woman, and a good-looking, rosy-cheeked German girl.一个抱着婴孩的妇人、老太婆和一个两颊绯红、年轻而健康的德国姑娘坐在绒毛褥子上。

9.Indeed, Web development itself did not turn out to be as rosy as it sounds.事实上,Web开发本身并不像听上去那么美好。

10.The pttle man beside him was bald and rosy-cheeked, with small black eyes and a sensual mouth.站在他身旁的矮个子是秃顶,两颊红润,一对小而黑的眼睛,一张肉感的嘴。