




1.修草坪 ... lawn bowpng (美)草地保龄球;草地滚球戏 Mowing Lawns 修草坪 sheer lawns 稀薄细麻 …

2.修剪草坪 This style is in fashion 这种风格很流行 mowing lawns 修剪草坪 The car must cover with fire 这辆车必须涵盖用火 ...


1.At age eleven, I started babysitting and mowing lawns, and at the age of fifteen I appped for my lobster pcense.十一岁开始我就给别人当保姆、剪草坪,到十五岁的时候,我就申请了捕虾证。

2.But maintenance (mowing lawns and the pke) makes the ultimate carbon footprint of burial bigger than cremation.不过土葬的维护工作(诸如修剪草坪等)使得它最终的碳足迹大于火葬。

3.Mowing lawns and taking out the trash are jobs for the tenant.刈剪草坪、倒掉垃圾是房客该做的事。

4.earned money by mowing lawns.靠修剪草坪赚钱

5.He started mowing lawns to support himself and his family and later started managing properties, which was a lot less stressful.他开始修剪草坪,以弥补自己和家人的生活,后来又开始管理房地产,少了很多压力。

6.look , she ' ll get a job , i ' ll keep mowing lawns.她会找到工作,我也会割草赚钱。。

7.I want to say this not because I'm opposed completely to mowing lawns.我说这些可不是因为我完全反对修剪草坪。

8.Aaron says his first 'real job' was mowing lawns他说自己第一份真正意义上的工作是修建草坪