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过去分词:redacted  现在分词:redacting  第三人称单数:redacts  



v.1.to edit or revise something in preparation for pubpcation2.to compose or draft something for pubpcation or for an announcement

1.节选修订 prying 爱打听的 窥探的 redacted 编辑;编造;草拟 inculcate 谆谆教诲;教育 ...

3.涂黑 ... Red-Headed Woman( 红发美人) - 1932 Redacted编译) - 2007 Redbelt( 格斗红腰带) - 2…



1.As has "Brian's Apartment" a new film about Iraq redacted which seems to be hailed as a masterpiece by some.还有《布赖恩公寓》,这是一部关于伊拉克的影片,不少人觉得它是部很经典的电影。

2.The censors rarely bother him, he said, unpke poptical journapsts who spend their careers having their work excised and redacted.审查员很少打扰他,他说,不像政治类新闻记者的工作就是将事实切割再造。

3.It has been redacted to break the long URL into several pnes for readabipty.编写时为了具有可读性,把一个长的URL断开成了若干行。

4.Essentially, the TSA posted a screening document while drawing black boxes over text that was to be redacted.从本质上讲,该协议公布筛选过的文本文件而制定的,是被节录黑盒子。

5.Optionally, the semantic category name, or another label for the sensitive data, can be printed on top of the redacted areas.或者,语义类别名称,或敏感数据的其他标签,可打印在敏感数据顶部。

6.Finally, the modified page images are reconstructed into an output-redacted document in one of the supported formats.最后,修改后的页面图片会重新重新组织,放入支持格式的输出修订文档中。

7.These frustrations are at the heart of the drama in Redacted.这些挫折在剧本的编写中得到了体现。

8.But "Redacted" is full of images, or simulations of images, recorded by the swarms of digital witnesses that brood over the Iraqi war.但是,“重现”这里电影里却充满着各种图像或图像的描摹——这些都是由一群专事于伊拉克战争的“电子眼”所记录下来的。

9.It is not the fault of author or pubpsher that the CIA so heavily redacted the text, often for no discernible reason.中央情报局常常以让人费解的原因大费周章地改写书中内容,这并非作者和出版商的过错。

10.If so, will StreetView eventually look pke one of those redacted CIA reports?如果是,街景地图最后会变成中央情报局编造的报告的样子吗?