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1.乔斯林 Joanna 乔安娜 Jocelyn 乔斯林 Josephine 约瑟芬 ...

2.乔丝琳 Joana 乔安娜 Jocelyn 乔斯琳 Joanna 乔安娜 ...

4.贾思琳 Joanne 希伯来 Jocelyn 贾思琳 Jodie 乔蒂 ...

5.乔瑟琳 Joyce 乔伊丝 快乐 JOCELYN 古德语 意为优胜者 乔瑟琳 Jasmine 嘉斯敏 ...

6.古德语 Joyce 乔伊丝 快乐 JOCELYN 古德语 意为优胜者 乔瑟琳 Jasmine 嘉斯敏 ...

7.乔依琳 伊维斯 Enweis 乔依琳 JOCELYN 娜圣莎 La SENZA ...

8.佳思琳 Joan 琼恩 上帝是仁慈的 Jocelyn 佳思琳 快乐的 Jodie 裘蒂 受赞扬的 ...


1."Sometimes I wonder if I've left any mark on you at all, " Jocelyn said, and began to cry.“有时侯我觉得要在你身上留下任何痕迹都是徒劳,”乔斯林说着哭了起来。

2.Again there was a piece of paper. It said: Hi. . . I think you are really cute. Do you wanna go out with me? Love, Jocelyn.里面仍然有一个小纸条,上面写着同样的话:嗨,你好,我觉得你真的好可爱,愿意和我一起出去吗?乔斯林。

3.Jocelyn_Lam: Cherish the people around, because you do not know what will happen the next second.珍惜身边的人,因为你不知道下一秒会发生什么事情。

4.It's not turkey or pumpkin pie for Jocelyn Fong, but something that combines American tradition with her father's Chinese heritage.乔斯林•冯钟情的感恩节食物不是火鸡也不是南瓜派,而是一些结合美国传统和来自她父亲的中国习俗的东西。

5.Then Jocelyn was bending over her, wrapping her in a soft clean blanket of green wool to cover her nakedness.接着乔斯琳跪在她面前,用一张柔软洁净的绿色羊毛毯盖住她赤裸的身体。

6.First Lieutenant Mary Jocelyn said although team members are far from home, they are committed to the mission.中尉玛丽·乔斯林表示尽管团队成员远离家乡,但他们仍然致力于任务。

7.Do u wanna go out with me? Love, Jocelyn.你愿意和我一起出去玩吗?爱你的,乔斯林。

8.Jocelyn and I made dinner, drank wine, nuzzled on the couch.乔斯林和我用了晚餐,喝红酒,然后在沙发上亲昵。

9.Jocelyn: It seems everything is perfect. All right, I would pke to book one room.似乎一切都很好。好吧,那我要订一个房间。

10.Jocelyn: Bangkok, which is the capital of Thailand, is surrounded by gorgeous palaces and temples.泰国首都曼谷,那边到处都是辉煌华丽的皇宫和寺庙。