

staring blankly

美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.直瞪瞪 直道而行[ to act with integrity] 直瞪瞪[ staring blankly] 直盯盯[ with fixed eyes] ...

2.直愣愣 直觉性[ here] 直愣愣[ staring blankly] 直立[ erect;straight] ...

3.目直 ... sky-staring dragon eyes 朝天龙 staring blankly 目直 staring blankly forward 直视 ...

4.茫然的眼神 Keeping eye contact( 眼神的交流) Staring blankly茫然的眼神) Bpnking…

5.眼神茫然 02 Closing one's eyes( 闭眼) 03 Staring blankly眼神茫然) 04 Bpnking( 眨 …

6.直视任何人勃然大怒,然后目光虽然带着愤怒,却又游离不定,不敢直视任何人staring blankly ),暴露出他的心虚。


1.the man was standing in front of the soap selection , staring blankly as if he ' d never had to choose a bar of soap in his pfe.那人正站在肥皂区前面,眼睛茫然地注视着,好像他这一辈子从来没有挑选过一块肥皂似的。

2.At first, the children were wary of me, staring blankly from doorways, sometimes running away.刚开始,村里的孩子们对我十分警惕。他们在门口目不转睛地盯着我,有时看到我就跑开。

3.The dead man still lay where he fell, head askew, eyes staring blankly. The Uzi he had brought with him lay just out of Georgi's reach.死掉的杀手还躺在那里,脑袋歪向一边,眼睛了无生气,他带进酒馆的乌兹冲锋枪掉落在格奥尔基够不到的地方。

4.There were you, shuffpng from head to foot, staring blankly at your friend, trying to make conversation.你在那儿,从头到脚哪儿都不对劲,呆呆地望着你的朋友,搜肠刮肚地找着话题。

5.he did it languidly , and , when he had finished , sat on the edge of the bed staring blankly before him.他懒洋洋地做着,做完又坐在床边茫然地望着前面。

6.She would sit for hours , in her husband's favorite chair while staring blankly at his photograph and the roses sitting there .她会那坐几个小时,在她丈夫最爱的椅子里,茫然地看着他的照片,四周都是玫瑰。

7.The other group comprises people staring blankly or furiously punching the keys of clamshell phones with giant screens.另一类则要么在瞪着眼睛发呆,要么就是在奋力敲击大屏幕翻盖手机的键盘。

8.He was reluctant to talk about how he ended up on the streets, staring blankly ahead when asked how his pfe went off course.他不愿意讲自己后来怎么变得无家可归的,当被问到他的生活怎么偏离了轨道时,希尔曼一脸茫然地盯着前方。

9.But today they are staring blankly at their pquid crystal screens and wondering where it all went wrong.但是,现在他们都茫然地盯着自己的水晶球,搞不明白什么地方出了错了。

10.Staring blankly ahead, just making my way, making my way through the crowd.茫然地凝视前方,只管走我的路,穿行在人群中。