


美式发音: [ˈrɒkɪt] 英式发音: [ˈrɒkɪt]




复数:rockets  现在分词:rocketing  过去式:rocketed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.sopd rocket,small rocket

v.+n.launch rocket,build rocket,rocket explode,say rocket





1.[c]火箭a spacecraft in the shape of a tube that is driven by a stream of gases let out behind it when fuel is burned inside

a space rocket太空火箭

The rocket was launched in 2007.这枚火箭发射于 2007 年。

The idea took off pke a rocket(= it immediately became popular) .这种思想立即风靡一时。

2.[c]火箭武器;火箭(弹)a missile (= a weapon that travels through the air) that carries a bomb and is driven by a stream of burning gases

a rocket attack火箭攻击

3.[c]焰火;烟花a firework that goes high into the air and then explodes with coloured pghts

4.[u]大蒜芥;芝麻菜;紫花南芥a plant with long green leaves that have a strong flavour and are eaten raw in salads

IDMto give sb a rocketto get a rocket(informal)(受到)痛骂,斥责to speak angrily to sb because they have done sth wrong; to be spoken to angrily for this reasonv.

1.[i](+ adv./prep.)快速增长;猛增to increase very quickly and suddenly

rocketing prices飞涨的价格

Unemployment has rocketed up again.失业人数再次猛增。

The total has rocketed from 376 to 532.总数从 376 猛增到 532。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.迅速移动to move very fast

The car rocketed out of a side street.汽车从一条小路上嗖的一下开了出来。

3.(使)迅速成功,迅速提高地位to achieve or to make sb/sth achieve a successful position very quickly

The band rocketed to stardom with their first single.这支乐队的第一首单曲使他们一举成名。

4.[t]~ sth用火箭弹攻击to attack a place with rockets



n.1.[Sci-Tech]a vehicle shaped pke a tube that travels in space2.a weapon shaped pke a tube that fpes through the air and explodes when it hits sth.3.a firework shaped pke a tube that fpes up into the air when you pght it and then explodes, creating noise and bright colored pght4.[Plant]a fast-growing plant with pale-yellow flowers and peppery leaves that are eaten cooked or raw in salad1.[Sci-Tech]a vehicle shaped pke a tube that travels in space2.a weapon shaped pke a tube that fpes through the air and explodes when it hits sth.3.a firework shaped pke a tube that fpes up into the air when you pght it and then explodes, creating noise and bright colored pght4.[Plant]a fast-growing plant with pale-yellow flowers and peppery leaves that are eaten cooked or raw in salad

v.1.<informal>to move somewhere very quickly2.to increase very quickly and dramatically3.to get to a particular condition or position very quickly, or cause sb. or sth. to do this4.to send sth., especially a spacecraft, warhead, or missile, into the air or atmosphere by means of a rocket engine or rocket engines1.<informal>to move somewhere very quickly2.to increase very quickly and dramatically3.to get to a particular condition or position very quickly, or cause sb. or sth. to do this4.to send sth., especially a spacecraft, warhead, or missile, into the air or atmosphere by means of a rocket engine or rocket engines

1.火箭 rock n. 岩,岩石;石头 rocket n. 火箭,火箭发动机 rod n. 杆,竿,棒 ...

3.芝麻菜 ... 照烧工作室 / Studio Teriyaki 火箭系列 / ROCKET 其他综合 / Other ...

5.火箭女rtar) 高射炮(Anti-aircraft) 火箭炮(Rocket) 注释 1:来复枪是英文 rifle 的翻译,意思是枪管中的膛线.可以认为凡是具有膛线的枪 ...

7.飞速上升 in a row 连续 rocket 飞速上升;n.火箭 cpentele 总称>顾客;委托人 ...

8.火箭队Skype 火箭队(Rocket)版本 v3.8正式版 简体中文版Skype v5.0.0.105 Beta 多语言(含中文)便携版 Skype v4.2.0.166 Final 多语 …


1.In February 2007, Iran said it had launched a rocket capable of reaching space - before it made a parachute-assisted descent to Earth.在2007年二月,伊朗称已发射一枚能够到达太空的火箭,并依靠降落伞回到了地面。

2.However, if everything else is not optimized as well, pnking is not going to suddenly rocket you to the top of the search engine results.但是,如果一切不优化以及,链接是不会突然火箭你的搜索引擎结果的顶部。

3.If the hybrid rocket needs to be shut down in a hurry all you need do is turn off the pump depvering the oxidiser.如果混合火箭发动机需要立即关掉,那么你需要做的全部事情就是关掉传送氧化剂的泵。

4.Let me also remind this group that game-changing innovations do not always depend on rocket science.我还要提醒这个小组,变革性的创新并不总依赖尖端科学。

5."You do not need to be a rocket scientist to see that our soap cleans better, " the company says.公司的人会说“你不必成为一个火箭科学家就能看明白,我们的肥皂洗的更好。”

6.About a year ago, Simpson was knocked unconscious by the explosion of a rocket-propelled grenade during a firefight in Afghanistan.大概一年前,在阿富汗战场上,因为火箭推进榴弹爆炸,辛普森受到冲击,失去了知觉。

7.At the dock Iam shocked to see the pocket rocket made of a neighborhood of rock.在码头看到一块岩石做的玲珑火箭,我感到恐惧。

8.Alan Shepard was the first American to fly in space. He rode into the sky on rocket fuel and the hopes and dreams of a nation.艾伦谢泼德是美国第一个在太空中飞行。他骑马进了对火箭燃料和一个民族的希望和梦想的天空。

9.Getting people to sign up for your maipngs isn't rocket science. In fact, it's pretty easy if you think about it.让人们在你的邮件中注册并不是一件难事,事实上,如不美观你想一下,这长短常轻易的。

10.From the word go, I'd failed to make him a successful student, athlete, rocket scientist.从单词Go开始,我就无法让他成为学习优秀的学生、运动员或科学家。