




1.圣马克 sacrament 圣餐 saint mark 圣马克 saint matthew 圣马太 ...

2.圣马可教堂 ... Saint Germain-en-laye 圣日耳曼-昂莱 Saint Mark 圣马可教堂(威尼斯) Saint Sophia 圣索非亚教堂(伊斯坦布尔) ...

3.圣人马克Polo)曾把中国德化窑白瓷带回国内,收藏在威尼斯市圣马可Saint Mark)宝藏所,后来欧洲人把德化外销瓷称为“马可波 …

5.神圣的象征平台,意大利的国有石油企业得以担此重任,并命名为“神圣的象征”(Saint Mark),这样意大利首个空间项目圣马科(San Marco)也 …

6.神圣的象徵平台,意大利的国有石油企业得以担此重任,并命名为「神圣的象徵」(Saint Mark),这样意大利首个空间项目圣马科(San Marco) …


1.Perhaps, once more Saint Mark lent a hand in protecting the stronghold, leaving the greatest treasure of the Rhine intact to this day.也许圣马克再度保护这座城堡,使莱茵河畔的珍宝至今仍保完整。

2.A few months ago, Cairo's Saint Mark's Cathedral was a place of joy - as Christians welcomed a new Coptic pope.几个月前,基督徒曾在开罗的圣马克大教堂庆祝新的科特普教皇登基,当时那里还是一个充满欣喜的地方。

3.Saint Mark's Square and St. Mark church is one of Venice's most famous landmarks.圣马可广场和圣马可教堂是威尼斯最著名的名胜古迹之一。

4.In recent years, the Saint Mark square must suffer over a hundred flood attacks every year.近年来,圣马可广场每年要遭受上百次洪水袭击。

5.A couple wearing masks walks in Saint Mark's square, posing for tourists during the carnival in Venice February 13, 2007.狂欢节上,一对戴着面具的情侣走在威尼斯圣马可广场。

6.Castillo de San Marcos soon became Fort Saint Mark.圣马科斯堡很快就变成了圣马克堡垒。

7.Campanile of Saint Mark, Venice威尼斯圣马可钟楼

8.in saint mark ' s square , which was covered by about 20 centimeters of water , the rare tourists covered their shoes with plastic bags圣马可广场积水深达20厘米,稀少的游人纷纷用塑料袋把脚裹起来。