




1.姜戈1966年由塞吉奥·考布西执导的经典意大利西部片《迪亚戈》(Django)的致敬之作,将是一部集合大量幽默元素、动作场面 …

3.西部片迪亚哥go Unchained》,以至占美霍士饰演的主角赞高Django),其名字原来都玩味十足别有故事,话说已故意大利cult片大师Se…

5.米爸与杰米福克斯(Jamie Foxx)所饰演的主角“强戈”(Django)。


1.Django comes with its own object-relational mapper (ORM) pbrary that supports dynamic database access through a Python object interface.Django提供了自己的对象关系型数据映射组件(object-relationalmapper,ORM)库,它可以通过Python对象接口支持动态数据库访问。

2.The Template layer of a Django apppcation allows you to separate the UI or presentation layout of a Web apppcation from its data.Django应用程序的模板层允许您将Web应用程序的UI或显示布局与它的数据分开。

3.Django: Food is fuel. You get picky about what you put in the tank; your engine is going to die. Now shut up and eat your garbage.迪亚哥:食物是燃料,如果你对放在你肚子里的东西如此吹毛求疵的话,你的能量很快就会用光的。所以,现在闭嘴吃你的垃圾吧。

4.Luckily, most shared Web-hosting providers include Python support, so it is possible to deploy Django apppcations in this scenario.好消息是,大部分Web宿主服务器都支持Python,因此在这个场景中可以部署Django应用程序。

5.Then create a small Python script that informs Apache of the various settings for your Django project and executes the FastCGI program.然后创建一小段Python脚本,告诉Apache您的Django项目的不同设置,并执行FastCGI程序。

6.Raul and his wife had two children of their own by this time, and Django resembled them, too.现在劳尔和妻子已经有了两个孩子,Django跟他们很像。

7.The RequestContext is a Django context with a few differences from the regular django. template. Context.RequestContext是一个Django上下文,与常规的django.template.Context有些许差异。

8.This will allow you to only use your Web server for Django requests and keep your media on a separate server.这样您的Web服务器就专门用于Django请求,而媒体文件则放在另一个服务器上。

9.One of the most interesting and talked-about features of Django is its automatic administrative interface.最有趣、最经常被提起的Django特性之一就是它的自动管理界面。

10.It's important to note that Django's template system does not allow Python code to be executed directly from the template.注意,Django的模板系统不允许直接从模板执行Python代码。