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1.(运动过度造成的)肌肉粗大僵硬的having large stiff muscles as a result of too much exercise


adj.1.having muscles that are so bulky that they restrict movement2.too large, powerful, or overdeveloped to be capable of flexibipty or a swift response

1.肌肉僵硬的 muscle 肌肉 muscle-bound 肌肉僵硬的 muscleless 无力的 ...

2.肌肉粗大僵硬的 gluteus 臀肌 muscle-bound (运动过度造成的)肌肉粗大僵硬的 muscle shirt 突显肌肉发达的紧身衫 ...

3.因运动过度 ... 因过敏 allergy 因运动过度 muscle-bound 因迪亚努 Indianu ...


1.Most preferred a toned man who was more pkely to commit over a muscle-bound man they perceived as more volatile, aggressive and dominant.她们中的大多数倾向于更可能有责任感的沉稳的男人,而不是浑身肌肉令人感到不稳定,好斗和有支配欲。

2.Interestingly, women do not pke muscle-bound men, and men misperceive how muscular women want them to be.有趣的是,女人不喜欢肌肉男,而男人误以为女人希望他们肌肉发达。

3.When is a muscle-bound Austrian megahunk with an accent thicker than a gallon jug of molasses as American as baseball and apple pie?一个肌肉发达、带有浓重口音的奥地利壮汉何时会像棒球和苹果派一样成为美国的象征呢?

4.Scientists McPherron, Se-Jin Lee and Ann Lawler created the muscle-bound mouse while working on a newly-discovered gene.该大学的科学家们致力于发现新基因时,创造了一只肌肉僵硬的老鼠。

5.The towering, muscle-bound Bernard heads into the Games favored to win swimming's glamour event, the 100m freestyle.高大健壮的伯纳德满怀赢得游泳运动最具魅力项目—100米自由泳—冠军的希望钻入了泳池。

6.I'm in tip top shape, a muscle bound freak, with all the attitude I need.形态一流的我,颤动着一块块畸形的肌肉,具备了我需要的一切姿态。

7.The identity of the muscle-bound bully kicking sand in Microsoft's face?往微软脸上仍沙子的那个肌肉发达的家伙是谁?

8.Three convulsions, the whole body muscle-bound Dewey shook the teammates.三处抽筋、浑身肌肉僵硬的杜威把队友都震住了。

9.At our age, a difference of two ages means a lot. There are muscle bound and hulks guys of Grade Three.在我们这种年龄,差两岁就差了很多,那些三年级的家伙一身肌肉,外加一身毛。

10.95 pound women in tight skirts can throw around 300 pound muscle-bound men.95磅的穿紧身衣的女人可以打到300磅的肌肉男