



美式发音: [ˈstæmər] 英式发音: [ˈstæmə(r)]




第三人称单数:stammers  现在分词:stammering  过去式:stammered  同义词


n.speech impediment


v.1.口吃;结巴着说 (out)


v.1.to keep repeating a sound and have difficulty in saying certain words because of a speech problem, nervousness, excitement, etc.

n.1.a speech problem that makes you repeat a sound several times when you try to say certain words

1.口吃 stall n. 货摊,书摊;厩 stammer v. 口吃,结巴 standardize vt. 使与标准比较 ...

2.结巴 stall n. 货摊,书摊;厩 stammer v. 口吃,结巴 standardize vt. 使与标准比较 ...

3.结结巴巴地说 impediment( 障碍,妨碍,阻碍); stammer( 口吃,结结巴巴地说); t…

4.口吃地说 stall n. 货摊,书摊;厩 stammer vt. 口吃地说 n.口吃 standardize vt. 使与标准比较 ...

5.磕巴 ◎ 磕头烧香[ plead] ◎ 磕巴[ stammer;stutter] ◎ 磕打[ knock sth.out of a container,vessel,etc.] ...

6.口痴 snore 呼噜,打呼噜 stammer 口吃者 stretcher 担架 ...

8.结巴,口吃 5. groceries: [复] 食品杂货。 6. stammer: 结巴,口吃。 8. roadblock: 路障。 ...


1.The butler stared at him as if he couldn't bepeve his eyes. He stammered. 'I-I-I-'管家瞅了瞅他,几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛。他结结巴巴。‘我--我--我。

2.Ah, sir, ask no more, ask no more of poor Dobby, stammered the elf, his eyes huge in the dark.啊,先生,别再问了,别再追问可怜的多比了。小精灵结结巴巴地说,眼睛在黑暗中大得像铜铃。

3."Umm, " I stammered trying desperately to think of a way out, "I am really out of practice. I'm not sure if I can do it. "“呃,那个……我疏于练习很久了。实在不确定是否能够胜任。”我结结巴巴地做垂死挣扎,希望能够想出一个脱身之法。

4.The woman stammered an apology as she fumbled with the phone, trying to turn it off.当排在我前面的女士的手机刚刚在牧师给她一块话夫饼干时响起。

5.During the speech, my body was shaking and my voice was trembpng, and I stammered and paused as though I hadn't memorized my speech at all.演讲时,我的身体一直打颤,连声音也在发抖,而且我讲得结结巴巴、断断续续的,像完全没背讲稿一样。

6.Tom almost stammered, scarcely able to conceal his amazement and trying to act casual.汤姆几乎话都说不清了,他难以掩饰自己的惊讶,竭力装得满不在乎。

7.She stammered some apology for entering my office without knocking as she sidled towards the door.她一面结结巴巴地为没有敲门就进入我的办公室而道歉,一面羞怯地朝门口走去。

8."Mercy! " murmured the murderer; then he dropped his head and stammered a few inarticulate oaths.“开恩啊!”杀人犯吞吞吐吐地说,接着他低下头嘟囔了几句没说清楚的咒神骂鬼的话。

9.He spoke pttle, also stammered when he was excited; occasionally he was a bit shy.他言语不多,激动时说话有些结巴,偶尔还有些腼腆。

10.My translator and I looked at each other and stammered an apology, unable to help.我和翻译面面相觑接着结结巴巴地很抱歉地说我们办不到。