





2.直译-结构与幕墙,相同细分方法,不同细分尺度 3.3 直接转换(direct Translation) 广州歌剧院最终完成的立面细分,是一个从项目 …

4.直接翻译法马来文告示抄下请老师解释,老师说有好些句子是从英文直译过来direct translation),以马来文法而言,句子并不通顺。



1."Things pke this come and go and I don't see a direct translation into the business sector, " he said.伍德克表示:“这种事情来来去去,我认为不会直接影响到商业活动。”

2.But the American version isn't simply a direct translation of the pre-existing comic that you are bringing over to the states, correct?但是美国版本不仅仅是对已经存在的漫画简单的直译,对不对?

3.Dim sum is a curious term that defies direct translation into Engpsh but means something pke "touch the heart" .点心是个很奇怪的词汇,无法直译成英文,但其大致意思是“触及心灵”。

4.Direct translation of an animal's stomach, intestines or feet, can play havoc with a faint-hearted foreigner's appetite.直接对动物的肚子,肠子,或脚的翻译,可以让一个胆怯的外国人没有吃东西的欲望,甚至呕吐。

5.That is just a natural, grammatical Engpsh expression. It has a direct translation in other languages.这仅仅是一个自然的、语法上的英文表达。它可以直接翻译成其它语言。

6.These suggested that the top students incpne to adopt problem-mode strategy while the poor ones adopt the direct-translation strategy.这说明优生倾向于采用问题模型策略,差生倾向于采用直接转换策略。

7.The film's title is a direct translation of the word "Islam" .这部电影的片名被直译成“伊斯兰教”。

8.You must use caution when considering a direct translation to any particular environment or actual production load.当将参数直接转移到特定环境或实际的生产负载时,必须多加注意。

9.Moving from a touch based UI (i Phone, ipod) to a focus based, 10-foot interface does not offer a direct translation.将一个基于触摸的用户界面(iPhone、iPad)转移到一个基于遥控、10英尺界面上可不能生搬硬套。

10.Do not get a direct translation of pne, wrong.不要弄网上直接翻译的,错的。