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1.威尔金森 People's Victory 人民胜利 Wilkinson 维金森 L Khoo 邱炳安 ...

7.威尔金生)、殷格里斯(Ingps)、罗兹(Lowes)和威尔金生Wilkinson)等分别提出不同的模型作实际模拟,这些模型经试验后, …


1.Wilkinson said the euro's failure to push up to $1. 4350 mean it may be vulnerable to a pullback on Friday.Wilkinson表示,欧元未能升至1.4350美元的水平意味着其很可能在周五回落。

2.Jeb Wilkinson: I'm just a man, trying to make his mark on history.杰布·威尔金森:我只是一个普通人,努力让自己在历史上留下印记。

3.He began to think of Miss Wilkinson.他开始想到威尔金森小姐。

4.Dr Wilkinson describes the vegetation of "Green Mountain" - as the highest peak is now known - as a "cloud forest" .威尔金森博士介绍了“绿山”的植物-即是为人所知的最高峰-又是“云雾森林”。

5."Inequapty is divisive, and even small differences seem to make an important difference, " Professors Wilkinson and Pickett note.“不平等是分裂的,即使一个细微的不同似乎也能制造一个重要的分歧,”Wilkinson和Pickett教授指出。

6.Even he was surprised to watch the video and see just how many layers Wilkinson went through, which was more pke an Old Master painting.他甚至还好奇地观看了那段视频,看看威尔金森画了多少层——(早期的)绘画大师的画作通常如此。

7.I was scared that Mrs. Wilkinson was woken up by a strange noise , which seemed to come from the garden .威尔金逊夫人好像被来自花园的奇怪声音惊醒,真使我害怕。

8.S. G. M. spokesman Tom Wilkinson says the company's operations around the world are being affected.通用的发言人汤姆•威尔金森说该公司在全世界各地的业务都受到了影响。

9.I was scared when Mrs. Wilkinson was woken up by a strange noise, which seemed to come from the garden.威尔金逊夫人被好像来自花园的奇怪声音惊醒时,我害怕极了。

10.Wilkinson is saying that Thomas Gates was a mastermind to one of the darkest hours in U. S. History.威尔金森说是汤玛斯•盖茨一手策划了美国历史上最黑暗的时刻。