




1.很多家具 ... three articles of furniture: 三件家具 much furniture很多家具 a set of furniture: 一套家具 ...

2.许多家具 ... 16、 furnish sp. with sth.. 用……为房间配备家具 17、 much furniture 许多家具 18、 have a further study 进修;深造 ...


1.He bought much furniture, on which he spent almost all the money he saved every month.他买了好多家具,把每月积蓄的钱几乎都花在这上面了。

2.he said warmly. 'you can see I haven't got much furniture, but I'm hoping to earn more money later, when I've finished my studies.他热情地说,“你看我这儿没什么家什,可我希望我不久就能赚钱,就在我学完之后。”

3.Cross much furniture and do not represent surely showily , meet a person bring crowded, narrow sense only instead.过多的家具并不一定代表华贵,反而只会给人带来拥挤、狭窄的感觉。

4.Yes, our products are at the promotion stage. Much furniture has special prices. You could pay a visit to our exhibition.是的,我们现在正在打折阶段,有很多家具都是特价,您可以过来看

5.Because some of our parishioners are moving away or moving to a new place, therefore, they have much furniture which they want to give away.由于教友们经常在搬迁时会要将一些傢俱汰换掉,很感谢大家第一个想到的地方是教堂中心。

6.We have too much furniture; let's dispose of these old chairs.我们的家具太多了,咱们把这些旧椅子处理了吧。

7.There isn't much furniture but they gently merge into the background, not interfering into pving and artistic space.没有多少家具,但他们轻轻地融入背景,不干预进入生活和艺术空间。

8.Nowadays not much furniture is made of wood.现在已没有多少家具是用木料做的。

9.So that's another point in its favor, but there is a small sitting room, and not much furniture yet.所以这是另一个有利于自己的观点,但有一个小客厅,并没有多少家具呢。

10.The room was small and contained far too much furniture.房间不大,里面又装着过多的家具。