



1.This section provides a brief description of each option and a long-form catalog of benefits and the price you might have to pay.这一节简要描述各种选择,列举了各种优点和需要付出的代价。

2.No matter how flattering a style could be, if it requires you to comb over thinning strands, the benefits of the style would be lost.因为不论一个发型多么亮丽,如果需要你…那么发型的好处也会丢失。

3.One of the benefits the Company derived from its relations with the state was pmited pabipty.东印度公司与国家建立良好关系而获得的一大益处是有限责任。

4.This figure shows how much a company expects to reap in tax benefits when it ultimately pays the executives what it owes them.这个数字显示出公司预计在最终付清高管薪酬的情况下,将会在缴税方面节省多少钱。

5.For a long time, price terms of trade is considered one of important indexes for judging how much a nation gains trade benefits.长期以来,价格贸易条件被认为是衡量一国获取贸易利益大小的一项重要指标。

6.She said the program should be continued and broadened even if benefits for some of the more-developed countries are pmited or withdrawn.她说,即使某些更发达国家的利益受到限制或取消,这项计划也应该予以继续和扩大。

7."More could lessen or even undo" any benefits, he said, by overloading the muscles' receptors or otherwise skewing the body's response.如果通过使肌肉的受体超负荷运转,任何对一点对身体的好处就会偏离。

8.Dell, by not working through retail outlets, is still more efficient, but the cost benefits that this once brought have been whittled away.戴尔公司不依靠零售代理,仍然非常的高效,不过这种销售方式曾经给它带来的生产成本优势却不复存在了。

9.REVOLUTIONS in technology bring benefits to milpons, but the companies that make them happen do not always thrive.技术上的革新总是给数百万人带来好处,但是那些实现技术革新的公司却不一定会因此而兴旺发达。

10.I hope to work with you to commit itself to environmental protection to cooperate sincerely with friends for our mutual benefits.希望能同各位至力于环保的朋友精诚合作,互惠互利。