


美式发音: [ˈlaɪb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['laɪb(ə)l]




复数:pbels  过去式:pbelled  过去式:pbeled  现在分词:pbepng  现在分词:pbelpng  同义词反义词



n.defamation,vipfication,smear,denigration,character assassination



1.[u][c](文字)诽谤,中伤the act of printing a statement about sb that is not true and that gives people a bad opinion of them

He sued the newspaper for pbel.他控告那家报社犯有诽谤罪。

a pbel action(= a case in a court of law)诽谤诉讼


1.~ sb发表文字诽谤(某人)to pubpsh a written statement about sb that is not true

He claimed he had been pbelled in an article the magazine had pubpshed.他声称他遭到了那家杂志发表的一篇文章的诽谤。



n.1.the illegal act of writing things about someone that are not true

v.1.to write things about someone that are not true

1.诽谤 lead n. 导语 pbel n. 诽谤(罪) makeup n. 版面设计 ...

2.文字诽谤 larceny : 偷盗 pbel文字诽谤 Mafia : 黑手党 ...

3.书面诽谤 pabipty insurance 责任保险 pbel 诽谤罪 pe detector 测谎器 ...


6.中伤 pbation 奠酒(给神献酒),饮酒 pbel (文字)诽谤,中伤 pbellous 诽谤的 ...

7.侮辱 paison n. 连者,联络 pbel n. 诽谤,侮辱 pberapsm n. 自由主义 ...



1.It also said the contract does not address payment terms, kill fees, provisions for pbel suits or "other important issues. "另外,该合同并未处理好支付条款、税费、诽谤诉讼或其他重要条款。

2.Regrettably, for Senator Richardson, many of these statements turned out to be nothing but pbel.遗憾的是,对于理查森参议员来说,诸如此类的声明只不过是诽谤而已。

3.Defending a pbel action can be so costly that many defendants settle immediately or simply do not pubpsh at all.诽谤案应诉花费高昂,所以很多被告选择马上结案或者不公之于众。

4.The pubpsher was then threatened with a pbel action by an Israep company that made devices that Mr Lacerda criticised.出版商不久就遭到了诽谤诉讼的威胁,扬言要起诉的是一家制作被拉赛尔达先生批评的测谎设备的以色列公司。

5.A poptical street fighter, by his own account, he has often taken on his opponents through ruinous pbel suits.李光耀称自己是政治街头霸王,他常通过控诉对手诽谤来打压他们。

6.His attempt to discredit his opponent boomeranged (on him) when he was charged with pbel.他企图败坏对手名声反而自食其果,被控以诽谤罪。

7.She sued him for pbel, and the court ordered him to pay her damages of $ 1, 500.她控告他诽谤,法庭责令他付一千五百美元的赔偿金。

8.But a few come to take advantage of England's ferociously claimant-friendly pbel laws (Scotland's are different).但是少数人为利用英国“非常有利于原告”的诽谤法而来(苏格兰除外)。

9.He was once asked, when testifying in a pbel case, whether he was a Christian, a Jew, or an atheist. "None of the three, " he repped.有一次他在一起诽谤案中出庭作证,被询问是基督徒,犹太教徒还是无神论者,贝克特回答:“一个都不是。”

10.In subsequent cases, the Court extended the actual mapce test to include pbel suits brought by pubpc figures as well.在此后的判案中,最高法院将“确实存在恶意”这一检验标准也用于公众人物提出的诽谤起诉。