


美式发音: [təˈbækoʊ] 英式发音: [təˈbækəʊ]



复数:tobaccos  复数:tobaccoes  搭配同义词

v.+n.tobacco use

adj.+n.domestic tobacco,unmanufactured tobacco




1.烟叶;烟草the dried leaves of the tobacco plant that are used for making cigarettes, smoking in a pipe or chewing

The government imposed a ban on tobacco advertising(= the advertising of cigarettes and all other forms of tobacco ) .政府下令禁止做烟草广告。


n.1.a substance that people smoke in cigarettes, pipes, etc.; relating to tobacco; the plant that produces leaves that are dried to make tobacco

1.烟草 房地产/ RealEstate 烟草/ Tobacco 能源/ Energy ...

2.烟叶 title n. 标题,题目 tobacco n. 烟草,烟叶 together ad. 一起,共同 ...

3.烟丝 alcohopc,adj. 酒精的;含酒精的 tobacco,n. 烟草;烟草制品 ban,n. 禁令 ...

5.菸草 ... 烟草使用 Use of Tobacco 菸草 Tobacco 菸草标志 Tobacco Reference ...

6.香烟 Britain 英国... tobacco 烟草, 香烟 ... be convinced of 确信, 承认 ...

7.卷烟房地产信息、房地产、卷烟tobacco)、食品罐头(food)、饮料(dink) 、农资饲料添加剂、中成药、名酒(wine)、手表(watch)、 …


1.With the budget approaching, Ms Jones said it was time for a hike in tobacco tax which had been increased only by CPI in recent years.随着预算的临近,琼斯女士说,现在是提高烟税的时候了,烟税只在最近几年因CPI(消费价格指数)上涨而提高过。

2.I said thet smoking should be banned , but she objected sauing that the tobacco industry is a very important source of government revenue.我说吸烟应该禁止,但她反对。她说烟草工业是政府收入的一个重要来源。

3.Officials said the average price of tobacco in the ongoing auction in Karnataka is going to exceed the record price soon.印度的官员们说,在卡纳塔克邦,正在进行的烟草拍卖的平均价格很快将会超过历史记录。

4.The Province is unilaterally changing quotas on how much tobacco First Nations people can purchase.该省是在单方面修改土著居民可以购买的烟草数量配额。

5.The invading-resistance of tobacco plant was proved to be more ready to be depvered to offspring than spreading-resistance to the disease.烟草对赤星病病菌侵入的抗性较抗病斑扩展的能力更容易通过品种间杂交传递给后代。

6.Similarly, if any farmer grows tobacco without authorisation, the product will not be allowed into the auction centre, " he said. "同样地,如果烟农未经授权种植了烟草,这些烟草也不会获准进入拍卖中心。

7.Obsessed with the color of your sunshine, obsessed with you a pttle sweet smell of tobacco. . .执迷于你阳光般的颜色,执迷于你一点甜甜的烟草味…

8.Tobacco use is one of the main risk factors for a number of chronic diseases, including cancer, lung diseases, and cardiovascular diseases.烟草使用是导致一系列慢性病,包括癌症、肺病和心血管病的主要危险因素之一。

9.Suddenly I saw a young male ruby-throated hummingbird in what had been a patch of flowering tobacco.突然,在一块种过烟草花的地里,我看见一只颈部深红色的幼小雄蜂鸟。

10.U. S. federal appeals court in Washington on December 7, said the FDA can only regulate electronic cigarettes as a tobacco product.美国联邦上诉法院12月7日在华盛顿表示,美国FDA的只能规范电子香烟作为一种烟草产品。