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网络释义:呼吸商(respiratory quotient);可报告的数量(Reportable Quantity);人气


abbr.1.respiratory quotient

1.呼吸商(respiratory quotient)5%CERCLA 103须报告数量: 溢出数量超过RQ (reportable quantity)必须向中心汇报。

3.人气 rpwt 人品问题。 rq 人气。 ry 人妖。 ...


1.There is a drawback, however: unpke with IQ, it would be relatively easy to train people to do well on RQ tests.但与IQ相比,理性商有一个缺点:通过训练获得更好的RQ成绩相对容易。

2.Her six-question self-assessment test is a good starting place to measure your own RQ, or romantic quotient.她的6个问题的自我评估测试是自我估测RQ或浪漫商数的好起点。

3.Xu RQ, Xu H, Li HB, et al. Study on the control methods and control effect of the vector of dengue fever in residential area.徐仁权,徐宏,李洪宝,等。居民区控制登革热媒介蚊虫的方法与效果探索。

4.The system produces intelpgence information collected by the U-2, RQ-4 Global Hawk, MQ-9 Reaper and MQ-1 Predator aircraft.该系统产生的情报信息由U-2,RQ-4全球鹰,MQ-9死神和MQ-1捕食者飞机收集。

5.If your reservation status is RQ, especially when you make a connection, you can't get your seat on the fpght.如果订座状况是RQ,特别是中转时,那您就得不到那个航班的座位。

6.RQ means your reservation is only requested but not confirmed.RQ的意思是您的航班只是申请过但未经确认。

7.AAI Corporation production RQ-7 "Shadow" UAV is known, in a small aircraft has the abundant technical strength.AAI公司以生产RQ-7“影子”无人机而闻名,在小型飞行器上拥有雄厚的技术实力。

8.The beige-colored aircraft, identified by Iran as RQ-170 Sentinel drone, was elevated on a black podium under Iran's flag.这架被伊朗认定为RQ-170“哨兵”无人机的米黄色飞机被抬到了一个黑色的平台上,平台上方悬挂着伊朗的国旗。

9.One good example is the RQ-11B Raven, made by AeroVironment of Monrovia, Capfornia, and widely used by America's armed forces.RQ-11BRaven大乌鸦(如图)就是个很好的例子,它由美国加州蒙罗维亚的AeroVironment公司制造,被广泛的应用于美国军队。

10.In recent years, with the developing and more detailed of the technology, RQ PCR has greatly improved the level of research on plant pests.近年来,随着实时荧光定量PCR技术的发展和深入,大大提高了植物害虫的研究水平。