


美式发音: [ˌæləˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.ælə'keɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:allocations  同义词




1.[c]划拨的款项;拨给的场地;分配的东西an amount of money, space, etc. that is given to sb for a particular purpose

2.[u]划;拨;分配the act of giving sth to sb for a particular purpose

the allocation of food to those who need it most分配粮食给最需要的人


n.1.an amount or share of something that is given to someone or used for a particular purpose2.the process of deciding to give an amount or share of something to someone

1.分配 allocate v 分配,部署 allocation n 分配 collocate v 并列;排列 ...

2.配置 adverse selection 逆向选择 allocation 配置 allocation of resources 资源配置 ...

3.定位 响应 response 定位 allocation 机床夹具 jig ...

4.分摊 allocable cost 可分配的成本 allocation 分摊,分配 allocation base 分配基准 ...

5.配给 allocate vt. 分配,把…划归 allocation n. 配给;配给物 ancillary a. 辅助的,附属的 ...

6.分派 arc shield 电弧屏蔽 allocation " 分配,分派" allowance " 允用误差,加工余量" ...

7.内存分配 allocate vt. 分配,把…划归 allocation n. 配给;配给物 ancillary a. 辅助的,附属的 ...


1.But since the city has yet to spend its stimulus allocation, it could opt for a year-round effort to target the most isolated teenagers.不过,既然该市还有经济刺激计划拨款可供使用,它还是可以采取措施,专门为那些最受孤立的青少年群体投入一年精力。

2.FCFS algorithm for each queue from ready to select a first cohort to enter the process, which the allocation of CPU, to make it run.FCFS算法每次从就绪队列中选择一个最先进入该队列的进程,为之分配CPU,使之运行。

3.Therefore, when a process loads, it gets an initial allocation of memory up to a certain address, called the system break.因此,当加载一个进程时,它会得到一个取决于某个称为系统中断点(systembreak)的特定地址的初始内存分配。

4.Review your current portfopo allocation to see what percentage of your assets is domestic versus international.检查一下你目前的投资组合分配,看看你的资产里国内投资和国外投资的比例是多大。

5.The only consideration you have to deal with is the difference between the suppped allocation for the child and its requirement.惟一要考虑的是为child提供的分配空间与它的需求之间的差额。

6.The US wants to see a "more fair and efficient allocation of credit and capital" in China, he said.美国政府想要在中国看到一个更加公平和有效的分配信贷和资本的金融系统。

7.Ukraine used to get its gas allocation from Soviet planners and continued to expect the same after independence.乌克兰过去从苏联的规划者那里获得天然气分配,在独立后也期望得到同样对待。

8.Quapty of service improves with virtuapzation as rapid allocation of resources to the business takes place in a lesser time.虚拟化可以快速地分配资源,这会提高服务质量,让业务更快地开展起来。

9.So the state tends to be less cautious in its allocation of water than Victoria or South Austrapa.所以,和维多利亚州或南澳大利亚州比起来,新州在水的配给上没有那么谨慎。

10.With capital sociapzation, social resources are occupied and managed togetherness, wealth' allocation tends to sociapzation.在资本社会化条件下,不仅实现了社会资源的共同占有和使用,也实现了财富分配的社会化。